Top 10 Flesk Books Sold in 2023!

Top 10 Flesk Books Sold in 2023!

2023 was one of the best years ever for us. As you will see when looking at this top ten list there are a variety of titles that span multiple genres. The common denominator is that these are all exceptional people who make lovely works of art.  

Ever since I started this publishing company in 2002 my goal has been to focus on the artist and the relationship. To serve others is what drives me, and I have maintained my passion for making books for all these years. Thanks to you, these artists and I can continue to live this dream.

For this top 10 list I have calculated the total sales by combining our direct Flesk website orders, event sales, Kickstarter pledges, and the sales made through our distributor.

1. The Art of Arthur Adams

The success of this book proved how eager people were for a proper overview of Arthur’s career. Arthur and I were surprised by the massive support during our Kickstarter campaign for this book. We’re still humbled by its popularity. I’ve been a fan of Arthur’s work ever since Longshot #1 came out. This has been a dream project, and Arthur is a joy to work with.  

2. Carbon 5 by Mark Schultz

Considering this is the tenth collection we have published on Mark, it’s exciting to see the enthusiasm for his latest book. The prior collections were Various Drawings Volumes 1-5, followed by Carbon 1-4. We have published more books on Schultz than on any other artist. Mark uses these collections to showcase his latest drawings. Much of the art he produces these days is done for himself. He feels lucky to be able to draw what he likes, while having a forum to share these pieces with others.

3. Gilt by J.A.W. Cooper

Gilt and Carbon 5 are very close in sales. Carbon 5 had the benefit of coming out six months prior to Gilt. This is the latest collection that pulls together the most recent works by J.A.W. Cooper. We worked closely together to make an art object with this book. I feel this is one of the most unique and beautiful books we have published to date. It’s a thrill to work with Cooper and I marvel at their creativity and spirit. They are one of the most unique voices I have ever seen.  

4. Barren Lands by Brynn Metheney

I’ve been wanting to work with Brynn for years. I’m thrilled that we had this opportunity to publish Barren Lands. Brynn wrote and illustrated this collection of stories that borders between reality and the bizarre. The whole process of working with Brynn was fun and enjoyable. The chance to work with an artist early in her career is very satisfying.

5. Franklin Booth: Silent Symphony

Released in 2022, this large collection that highlights Booth’s life and art is still going strong. This is the artist who originally inspired me to start publishing. What a thrill to be able to pull out the initial 2002 book, Franklin Booth: Painter with a Pen, and then completely remake it from scratch with the help of Alice Carter. This served as our 20th anniversary book where we could celebrate Booth further.

6. Naughty and Nice: The Good Girl Art of Bruce Timm

The first edition of this collection on Bruce Timm came out in 2012. It was a best seller then and continues to be on our top 10 list over a decade later. People can’t seem to get enough of B.T. and I don’t blame them! Bruce is an absolute legend and wonderful to work with.  

7. Al Williamson: Strange World Adventures

Thanks to the Cartoonist Kayfabe YouTube channel highlight, this book got a big boost. The initial sales when the book first came out were strong, then when this book review dropped it was seen by a new audience. This makes me happy, especially since this is one of the books that I am most proud of. Al remains one of my all-time favorite artists and I hope this collection does his career justice.

8. The Art of Brom

We released this book back in 2013 and it is still going strong! I feel like I am repeating myself, but when it gets down to it, all the artists who I work with are great people who are extraordinary. Brom’s accomplishments are remarkable. The sales for this book received a boost thanks to some deluxe edition copies that I found in our warehouse. We are officially sold out of all editions at this point.

9. Xenozoic by Mark Schultz

This book, collecting all of the Xenozoic stories written and illustrated by Mark Schultz, has had a variety of editions in print since 2010. This may be our most consistent and steady seller over our entire publishing history. Mark is also the only artist who has two books on our top ten list for this year. I recently re-read this collection and enjoyed it just as much as the first time I read the comics in the early nineties. The most common question we receive is when new Xenozoic stories will be coming? Whenever this happens, I’ll be the most excited fanboy out there.

10. Alkeme: The Art of Brad Kunkle

I’m pleased to see Brad’s book on the top 10 list again this year. This was published in 2023 and we love how it turned out. I first met Brad back in 2006 and can’t express how exciting it has been to see his career blossom and to cheer along as his success has grown.

This wraps up our top ten list. Thanks for reading and for our support over the years. As we step into 2024, we are entering our 22nd year of publishing! I’m eager to make a series of announcements all throughout the year to reveal what’s coming next.

I wish you all a fruitful, happy, and healthy 2024.



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Text copyright © 2024 John Fleskes. Photos by Vicky Lien and John Fleskes and © 2024 . Videos © 2024 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2024 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

Franklin Booth: Silent Symphony–Flesk Kickstarter Campaign is Live!

Hi, everyone,

We are live! Click here to visit our Franklin Booth Kickstarter campaign.

Franklin Booth: Silent Symphony is a massive, 304-page book featuring over 400 pieces that span the artist’s entire career. This collection is available as a paperback and hardcover edition.

Franklin Booth: Silent Symphony is the culmination of twenty years of publishing. It was in the spring of 2002 that I published the first Flesk book—Franklin Booth: Painter with a Pen. With this spring being our twentieth anniversary, I invited Alice A. Carter to write an extensive biography of Booth. The entire Flesk team poured months of research and work into making this all-new, freshly designed, 304-page volume that celebrates the life and work Franklin Booth. Thanks for looking!




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Text and photos copyright © 2022 John Fleskes. Videos © 2022 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2022 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

Franklin Booth Book Coming in Spring 2022 From Flesk!

Hi, everyone,

It appears that people are getting excited about our updated and revised Franklin Booth book that is coming out in 2022.

What originally started out as being a reprint of my Franklin Booth: Painter with a Pen book from 2002 has turned into a much bigger project. The original collection was 8.5 x 11″ inches with 112 pages. This new version will be 9 x 12″ with over 300 pages. Alice Carter is writing a full career overview of Booth. A generous collector, Duke Fuller, has offered access to his massive collection to help make this book something far greater than we originally planned.

If we are going to celebrate our 20th Anniversary of Flesk next spring, then this is the way to do it!

Our goal is to have this book ready for the printer by the first of the new year. There will be a paperback edition, then I am looking into something really special for the hardcover edition. We’ll start to take pre-orders once it has been sent to the printer in early 2022.

Thanks for your encouragement!



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Text and photos copyright © 2021 John Fleskes. Videos © 2021 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2021 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

New Franklin Booth Book Coming Spring 2022!

Our Franklin Booth expanded and revised edition in the works. Coming from Flesk in the spring of 2022.This release date will coincide with our 20th Anniversary.

Our original Franklin Booth: Painter with a Pen collection came out in the spring of 2002. This new book will feature all of the art found in the first edition, plus over 100 additional pieces. We are expanding it from 112 pages to nearly 300 pages. Plus, Bunny Carter is writing an extensive essay that will serve as the definitive look at the career and life of Booth.

The cover price, the formats, and other details will be announced next year. We’ll start to take pre-orders by March 2022. This is the book that we all have been waiting for.



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Text and photos copyright © 2020 John Fleskes. Videos © 2021 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2020 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

Flesk 2021 Book Updates!

This is a brief overview of our year and what you can expect to see from us.

I’ll start with the photo. It was taken during a visit to the Al Williamson studio a few years back. Being able to see the “Savage World!” original art was a special moment. Especially while the pages were resting on Al’s drawing table.

Here’s a shipping update on the Williamson and Mark Schultz books.

If all goes well, we will have Al Williamson: Strange World Adventures, Carbon 4 by Mark Schultz, Xenozoic by Mark Schultz and the Al Williamson and Mark Schultz Astounding Sketchbook next week. The books are still at the port waiting to be offloaded from the shipping vessel. We will begin shipping our Kickstarter pledges and Flesk online pre-orders just as soon as they arrive.

As for our next wave of Flesk books, we have five other books at the printer. These include The Drawings of Edwin Austin Abbey, Covenant: The Art of Allen Williams, new books with Frank Cho and Gary Gianni, and a new printing of the Bruce Timm Naughty and Nice collection. Once the books have been printed and are being shipped to us I’ll reveal more and open them all up for pre-orders. We would like to see how the shipping transit times are looking before we announce the release dates.

In the meantime, we are working on the new Franklin Booth book, two new Arthur Adams books, three new William Stout books, plus we are wrapping up two books by a pair of new artists. Then we have the J.A.W. Cooper book to start in June, plus two other new artists who we will start working with in the summer. Then we will have more books featuring Mark Schultz and Al Williamson to work on for 2022. There’s more, but this is what we can share to date.

For the rest of 2021 we do not have any plans to exhibit at any shows. This includes the San Diego November show that we will skip. We will start fresh with events in 2022. Until that time we will continue to make the best books that we can.

You have our thanks for supporting us.

All my best!


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Text and photos copyright © 2020 John Fleskes. Videos © 2021 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2020 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

Franklin Booth: Painter With a Pen Revised Edition in the Works!

Hi, everyone,

This is one of my favorite drawings by Franklin Booth. We’ll be reprinting the Franklin Booth: Painter with a Pen book that I published back in 2002. I’ll release it in early 2022 to coincide with our Flesk 20th anniversary. I pulled out my disk drive from 2003 to refresh myself with the book. I discovered that I have a full folder of images that I had sorted and organized for a second booth book. I even found a correspondence that I had with one of his students (who was 93 at the time) and his niece (his brothers daughter) who both provided me with personal stories to share in a future book.

From the looks of things this will be a completely revised edition that will add an extra 100 pages with new essays and details about Booth. I handed over the book to Kathy to work on yesterday who is prepping the new images and organizing the book. I’ll completely redesign the book as well since I get bored with the idea of simply doing a reprint. I’ll keep you all updated!



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Text and photos copyright © 2020 John Fleskes. Videos © 2020 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2020 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

Revised Franklin Booth Book In-Development!

Back in the spring of 2002 I published my first book, Franklin Booth: Painter with a Pen. Early next year I will begin working on a revised edition to have available in the spring of 2022. What better way to celebrate our 20th anniversary than to revisit the book that started it all!

I came across a box recently that is filled with additional Booth material that I have gathered over the years. For instance, I have a fascinating unpublished article that was written by one of Booth’s students. I spoke on the phone with him about 15 years ago when he was well into his nineties. Soon after our call he mailed me his essay with his permission to publish it one day.

By taking my time throughout 2021, I feel this will make for a special new edition that will be enjoyable to work on at a leisurely pace.

If you have any neat obscure Booth material that you would like to share with me to use in the revised book,please let me know. I may already have it, but maybe not?

At the moment, we’re wrapping up 5 new books on other artists. I’ll be making many new announcements as the months go by.



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Text and photos copyright © 2020 John Fleskes. Videos © 2020 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2020 its respective artists. All rights reserved.