The Flesk Publications list detailing every book and print we have published, as well as a few other projects John Fleskes played a role in. This covers everything through December 2024.

2024 Flesk Titles
1. The Art of Rachel and Terry Dodson
May 2024
Introduction by John Fleskes
Designed and edited by John Fleskes and Vicky Lien.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-064-0 . $39.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 180 pages.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-065-7. $59.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 180 pages.
Hardcover Deluxe Signed. ISBN: 978-1-64041-066-4. $79.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 180 pages. Cloth quarter binding with gold foil title. Bonus signature page. Limited to 1500 copies.
Hardcover Deluxe Signed Variant Cover. $200.00 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 180 pages. Bonus signature page. Limited to 500 copies. Alternate cover featuring the pen and ink art for the cover.
Hardcover Blank Cover. Prices vary. 9 x 12 inches, 180 pages. Cloth quarter binding with gold foil title. Bonus signature page. Limited to 50 copies. Alternate blank cover for originals sketches and drawings.
A. 3 x bookmark set. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. 3 x sticker set. 4″ on longest side. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
C. Bonne Année signed print. 13 x 19 inches.
D. Scooter Girl signed print. 13 x 19 inches.
E. Adventureman signed print. 13 x 19 inches.
F. The World of Terry and Rachel signed print. 13 x 19 inches.
G. Swinging signed print. 8.5 x 11 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
2. Pastoral by J.A.W. Cooper
May 2024 revised edition
Designed and edited by John Fleskes and J.A.W. Cooper
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-078-7. $29.95 cover price. 7.5 x 10 inches, 128 pages
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-079-4. $39.95 cover price. 7.5 x 10 inches, 128 pages
3. The J.A.W. Cooper Genesis Collection
May 2024 revised edition
Designed and edited by John Fleskes and J.A.W. Cooper
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-080-0. $39.95 cover price. 7.5 x 10 inches, 224 pages
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-081-7. $49.95 cover price. 7.5 x 10 inches, 224 pages
4. Portfolio by Mark Schultz
October 2024 revised edition
Introduction by Mark Schultz
Designed and edited by John Fleskes
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-073-2. $49.95 cover price. 7.5 x 10 inches, 432 pages
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-072-5. $59.95 cover price. 7.5 x 10 inches, 432 pages
Hardcover deluxe alternate cover. Quarter-bound with copper foil title. Signed and limited to 1000 copies. ISBN: 978-1-64041-082-4. $74.95 cover price. 7.5 x 10 inches, 432 pages
A. In the Marsh Grass signed print. 13 x 19 inches.
B. Stone Age Mayhem signed print. 13 x 19 inches.
5. ElfQuest Covers 1978-2022
November 2024
Introduction by Richard Pini
Edited by John Fleskes
Designed by Vicky Lien
Premium large format edition:
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-086-2 . $59.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 656 pages.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-087-9. $74.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 656 pages.
Hardcover Deluxe Signed by Richard and Wendy Pini. ISBN: 978-1-64041-088-6. $95.00 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 656 pages. Quarter binding with bonus signature page. Limited to 500 copies.
Two volume “Big-Pocket” edition:
ElfQuest Covers Volume One 1978-1994
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-084-8. $19.95 cover price. 4 x 4.5 inches, 320 pages.
ElfQuest Covers Volume Two 1993-2022
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-085-5. $19.95 cover price. 4 x 4.5 inches, 352 pages.
A. 3 x bookmark set. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. 1 x ElfQuest sticker. 4″ on longest side. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
C. Recognition signed print. 13 x 19 inches.
D. Final Quest signed print. 13 x 19 inches.
E. The Silent One signed print. 13 x 19 inches.
F. Who Goes There? signed print. 13 x 19 inches.
G. The Rootless Ones signed print. 8.5 x 11 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
H. Winnowill 6 x 8″ signed bookplate. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters who ordered the large format edition.
I. Cutter 3 x 3″ signed bookplate. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters who ordered the two volume small format edition.
6. Arthur Adams Preliminary Studies
December 2024
Designed and edited by John Fleskes
Production assistance by Vicky Lien
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-090-9. $24.95 cover price. 5 x 7.5 inches, 224 pages.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-64041-091-6. $34.95 cover price. 5 x 7.5 inches, 224 pages.
2023 Flesk Titles
A note about 2023. Supply chain issues began to subside by the summer allowing us to slowly ramp back up and send books to the printer during the second half of the year. As a result, certain titles originally intended for a 2023 release had been pushed to 2024.
1. Carbon 5 by Mark Schultz
June 2023
Introduction by Mark Schultz.
Designed and edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-070-1. $24.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 56 pages.
Hardcover signed deluxe edition with jacket limited to 800 copies. ISBN: 978-1-64041-071-8. $40.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 56 pages.
A. Pushkara Castaway 8.5 x 11″ mini-print signed by Mark Schultz. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. Five card set in envelope. Each 4 x 6 inch card features the Carbon 1-5 painted cover on the front and the matching pencil preliminary on the back. The envelope features a new drawing by Mark. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
C. In the Marsh Grass signed print. 13 x 19 inches.
D. Stone Age Mayhem signed print. 13 x 19 inches.
E. Spring Migration signed print. 13 x 19 inches.
F. Outflanked signed print. 13 x 19 inches.
2. The Art of Arthur Adams
October 2023
Introduction by John Fleskes.
Designed and edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-067-1. $39.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 180 pages.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-068-8. $59.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 180 pages.
Hardcover Deluxe Signed. ISBN: 978-1-64041-069-5. $79.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 180 pages. Cloth quarter binding with gold foil title. Bonus signature page. Limited to 1500 copies.
Hardcover Deluxe Signed Variant Cover. $200.00 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 180 pages. Bonus signature page. Limited to 500 copies. Alternate cover featuring the pen and ink art for the cover.
Hardcover Blank Cover. Prices vary. 9 x 12 inches, 180 pages. Cloth quarter binding with gold foil title. Bonus signature page. Limited to 50 copies. Alternate blank cover for originals sketches and drawings.
A. 2 bookmark set. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. Portfolio consisting of a set of five bonus mini prints in printed envelope. Envelope and first print come signed. 8.5 x 11 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
C. The Usual Nonsense signed print. 13 x 19 inches.
D. Savage Adventure signed print. 13 x 19 inches.
E. Beneath the Sea signed print. 13 x 19 inches.
F. Monsters Atack!!! signed print. 13 x 19 inches.
3. Gilt by J.A.W. Cooper
October 2023
Designed and edited by John Fleskes and J.A.W. Cooper.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-074-9. $49.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 176 pages.
Hardcover Deluxe Signed. ISBN: 978-1-64041-075-6. $74.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 176 pages. Bound in red cloth with dust jacket. Bonus signature page. Limited to 2000 copies.
A. Feral by J.A.W. Cooper – Signed and Numbered Print – Limited to 50.
B. Flamboyant print. 8.5 x 11 inches.
C. Codependent print. 8.5 x 11 inches.
D. Ghostly print. 8.5 x 11 inches.
Tiers include:
-Hardcover $49.95.
-Hardcover with unsigned Flamboyant print $69.95. Limited to 200 sets.
-Hardcover signed deluxe $74.95.
-Hardcover signed deluxe with unsigned Flamboyant and Codependent prints $94.95. Limited to 200 sets.
-Hardcover signed deluxe with and original drawing in the book, plus signed Flamboyant, Codependent, and Ghostly prints $395.95. Limited to 200 sets.
4. Barren Lands by Brynn Metheney
December 2023
Designed and edited by John Fleskes
Paperback. ISBN: ISBN: 978-1-64041-076-3. $39.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 112 pages.
Hardcover Deluxe Signed. ISBN: 978-1-64041-077-0. $49.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches. 112 pages. Limited to 1000 copies.
A. Pronghorn Antelope print. 13 x 19″
B. Cactus Head print. 13 x 19″
C. The 7th Cat with hand embellishments print. 14 x 14.5″
D. Corridor 8.5 x 11″ print. Bonus with Kickstarter pledges.
E. Barren Lands bandana. 20 x 20″
F. Desert Rat sticker. 4 x 4 inches
2022 Flesk Titles
A note about 2022. Due to unprecedented supply chain issues that included paper shortages and extended transit times for cargo shipments, many of our titles that we intended to publish in 2022 were pushed to 2023.
1. Xenozoic by Mark Schultz (Second printing.)
January 2022
Introduction by J.G. Jones.
Designed by Randall Dahlk and John Fleskes.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-037-4. $34.95 cover price. 7.5 x 10 inches, 352 pages.
2. The Art of Tyler Jacobson
January 2022
Introduction by John Fleskes.
Designed and edited by John Fleskes.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-054-1. $49.95 cover price, 11.5 x 12 inches, 160 pages.
Deluxe signed in slipcase. ISBN: 978-1-64041-055-8. $99.95 cover price, 11.5 x 12 inches, 176 pages. Includes 16 bonus pages.
A. Drizzt Vs. Demogorgon print. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. Exalted Angel print. 18 x 24 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
C. Signed bonus print. 8.5 x 11 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
D. 3 bookmark set. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
3. Franklin Booth: Silent Symphony
September 2022
Essay by Alice A. Carter.
Designed and edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-061-9. $49.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-062-6. $75.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 304pages.
A. The Woodland print. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. Echos print. 13 x 17 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
C. Flute print. 13 x 17 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
D. Organ print. 13 x 17 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
E. 3 bookmark set. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
F. Portfolio consisting of a set of five bonus mini prints in printed envelope. 8.5 x 11 inches. Exclusive to Flesk supporters.
4. Alkeme: The Art of Brad Kunkle
September 2022
Designed and edited by John Fleskes and Brad Kunkle.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-057-2. $69.95 cover price, 11.5 x 12 inches, 320 pages.
Hardcover Signed Deluxe Edition. ISBN: 978-1-64041-058-9. $125.00 cover price, 11.5 x 12 inches, 320 pages. The Hardcover Deluxe copies available to the public are signed numbered from 53 to 452. Book numbers 453 to 500 are reserved by the artist and publisher as personal copies and for contributors.
Hardcover Collector’s Edition Set. The book is hand-gilded on the first page in 22 KT gold by Kunkle. Includes Behold, History Without a Past 20 x 30 inch signed and numbered print. The print and book numbers match. This print is exclusive to this Collector’s Edition. Book number 1 is reserved for Brad Kunkle. Book number 2 is reserved for the publisher. Book numbers 3-52 are available to the public for this Collector’s Edition.
5. Lupente: Flesk Artist Showcase
September 2022
Introduction and essays by John Fleskes.
Designed and edited by John Fleskes.
Design assistance by Vicky Lien.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-059-6. $39.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 176 pages.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-060-2. $59.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 176pages.
2021 Flesk Titles
1. Al Williamson: Strange World Adventures by John Fleskes
June 2021
Forward by William Stout.
Introduction by Rick Veitch.
Designed, edited and written by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-039-8. $39.95 cover price, 9.75 x 13 inches, 128 pages.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-040-4. $49.95 cover price, 9.75 x 13 inches, 128 pages.
A. Golden Sorceress print. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. Bonus print. 8 x 6 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
2. Mark Schultz: Carbon 4
June 2021
Introduction by Mark Schultz.
Designed and edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-035-0. $24.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 56 pages.
Hardcover signed deluxe edition with jacket limited to 800 copies. ISBN: 978-1-64041-036-7. $40.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 56 pages.
A. Bonus print. 8 x 6 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. Carbon 4 print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches.
3. Xenozoic by Mark Schultz
June 2021
Introduction by J.G. Jones.
Forward by Mark Schultz.
Designed by Randall Dahlk and John Fleskes.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-037-4. $34.95 cover price. 7.5 x 10 inches, 352 pages.
Hardcover signed deluxe edition with jacket limited to 800 copies. ISBN: 978-1-64041-038-1. $49.95 cover price, 7.5 x 10 inches, 352 pages.
A. Tigress print. Signed and numbered. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. Dark Portal print. Signed and numbered. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
C. Epic print. Signed and numbered. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
D. Bonus print. 8 x 6 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
4. The Al Williamson & Mark Schultz Astounding Sketchbook
June 2021
Designed by John Fleskes and Mark Schultz.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback, saddle-stitched. ISBN: 978-1-64041-042-8. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 16-pages. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
5. The Drawings of Edwin Austin Abbey
August 2021
Essay by Alice A. Carter.
Edited and designed by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-045-9. $39.95 cover price. 6.25 x 9.5 inches, 400 pages.
Hardcover deluxe edition limited to 1000 copies. ISBN: 978-1-64041-046-6. $49.95 cover price, 6.25 x 9.5 inches, 400 pages.
6. Covenant: The Art of Allen Williams
August 2021
Designed by Arpad Terek.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-044-2. $39.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 144 pages.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-043-5. $59.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 160 pages. Includes 16 bonus pages. Includes quarter binding with spine stamp.
7. Frank Cho: Pencil and Ink
August 2021
Introduction by Thomas E. Sniegoski
Designed and edited by Frank Cho and John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-049-7. $24.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 128 pages.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-050-3. $39.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 128 pages. This edition was made specifically for Bud Plant and Diamond Comics Distributors.
Deluxe signed edition limited to 2000 copies. ISBN: 978-1-64041-051-0. $49.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 128 pages. Includes 2 bonus 8.5 x 11 inch mini-prints.
A. Ballpoint Beauty Roses print. Signed. 18 x 14 inches.
B. Ballpoint Beauty Cow Skull print. Signed. 18 x 24 inches.
C. Drawing Beautiful Women Cover print. Signed. 18 x 24 inches.
D. Ballpoint Beauty Dino Buddies print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches.
8. Naughty and Nice: The Good Girl Art of Bruce Timm
September 2021
Introduction by John Fleskes.
Designed by Randall Dahlk, John Fleskes and Bruce Timm.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-047-3. $39.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 256 pages. Includes 2 bonus 8.5 x 11 inch mini-prints.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-048-0. $59.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 256 pages. Includes quarter binding with spine stamp. Includes 2 bonus 8.5 x 11 inch mini-prints.
A. Bookworm print. 13 x 19 inches.
B. Gun Noir print. 13 x 19 inches.
D. Sorcery print. 13 x 19 inches.
E. The Fightin’ Femmes print. 13 x 19 inches.
F. Cowgirl print. 13 x 19 inches.
G. Smoking print. 13 x 19 inches.
H. Golden print. 13 x 19 inches.
9. The Call of Cthulhu: A Mystery in Three Parts by H. P. Lovecraft Illustrated by Gary Gianni
October 2021
Designed and edited by Marcelo Anciano.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-052-7. $19.95 cover price, 6.25 x 9.5 inches, 112 pages.
Hardcover with Jacket limited to 500 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-64041-053-4. $44.95 cover price, 6.25 x 9.5 inches, 112 pages. Includes signed tipped-in plate.
10. Alien to Zombie: An ABC Book of Monsters and Spooks By Mark Chiarello and Kevin Somers
November 2021
Written by Kevin Somers.
Illustrated and designed by Mark Chiarello.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-056-5. $18.95 cover price. 7.75 x 9.5 inches, 32 pages. Includes quarter binding with spine stamp.
A. A-Z print. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. 6 sticker set. 4 inches tall. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
D. 3 magnet set. 4 inches tall. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
E. Boo Plate. Signed bonus print. 4 x 6 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
F. Bonus sticker. 4 inches tall. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
G. Bookmark. 2 x 6 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
H. Bonus temporary tattoo. 2 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
2020 Flesk Titles
1. The Mountain of Smoke by Jeffrey Alan Love
March 2020
Designed and Edited by John Fleskes.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-028-2. $34.95 cover price, 11.75 x 9 inches, 128 pages.
Deluxe signed edition limited to 500 copies. ISBN: 978-1-64041-029-9. $44.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 128 pages. Includes quarter binding with spine stamp.
A. Barbarian print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. The Dragon’s Gift print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
C. The Long Watch print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
D. 6 postcard set in specially designed envelope. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
E. Bonus print. 8 x 10 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
2. Notes From the Shadowed City by Jeffrey Alan Love
June 2020
Designed by Jeffrey Alan Love and John Fleskes.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-030-5. $19.95 cover price, 6 x 9 inches, 160 pages.
A. Bonus print. 8 x 10 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
3. The Thousand Demon Tree by Jeffrey Alan Love
June 2020
Cover design by Ben Norland.
Interiors designed by Jeffrey Alan Love and John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-018-3. $24.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 96 pages.
A. Bonus print. 8 x 10 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
4. The J.A.W. Cooper Genesis Collection
June 2020
Designed by J.A.W. Cooper and John Fleskes.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-027-5. $39.95 cover price, 7.5 x 10 inches, 224 pages. First 250 copies came with a free signed and numbered 6×8 inch mini-print of Cooper’s gouache painting “With Bells On!”
5. The Art of Frank Cho: Twenty-Year Retrospective by Frank Cho
August 2020
Introduction by John Fleskes.
Designed, edited and written by Frank Cho and John Fleskes.
Cover design by Arpad Terek.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-016-9. $39.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 336 pages.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-015-2. $59.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 336 pages. This edition was made specifically for Bud Plant and Diamond Comics Distributors.
Deluxe signed in slipcase. ISBN: 978-1-64041-015-2. $59.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 336 pages.
A. Jungle Swing print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. Vampirella Resurrection print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
C. Who Goes There print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
D. Jungle Tales print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
E. Unexpected Guest print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
F. 8 postcard set in specially designed and signed envelope. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
G. Bonus print. 8 x 10 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
6. The Big Tease by Bruce Timm
August 2020
Designed by John Fleskes and Bruce Timm.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-031-2. $39.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 208 pages. Includes bonus 8.5 x 11 inch mini-print.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-032-9. $49.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 208 pages. Includes quarter binding with spine stamp. Includes 2 bonus 8.5 x 11 inch mini-prints.
7. Spectrum 27: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art
November 2020
Year in Review and Grandmaster introduction by by John Fleskes.
Edited and designed by Katherine Chu and John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-034-3. $39.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-64041-033-6. $49.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages.
8. The Big Tease by Bruce Timm (Second printing.)
November 2020
Designed by John Fleskes and Bruce Timm.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-031-2. $39.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 208 pages. Includes bonus 8.5 x 11 inch mini-print.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-041-1. $49.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 208 pages. Includes 2 bonus 8.5 x 11 inch mini-prints.
2019 Flesk Titles
1. Bomb’s Away: A Terry Dodson Sketchbook Collection
March 2019
Designed by Terry Dodson.
Paperback with 4 inch french flaps. $20.00 cover price, 6 x 8.25 inches, 32 pages.
2. Art of Gary Gianni for George R. R. Martin’s Seven Kingdoms
August 2019
Introduction by Cullen Murphy.
Afterword by George R.R. Martin.
Edited and designed by Marcelo Anciano.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-022-0. $49.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages. Includes quarter binding with spine stamp.
Deluxe signed edition in slipcase limited to 500 copies. ISBN: 978-1-64041-023-7. $200.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 326 pages. Includes 22 bonus pages. Signed by George R. R. Martin and Gary Gianni.
3. Ballpoint Beauties By Frank Cho
September 2019
Introduction by Steven Morger.
Designed by Frank Cho and John Fleskes
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-020-6. $19.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 120 pages.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-019-0. $29.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 120 pages.
Deluxe signed in slipcase limited to 2200 copies. ISBN: 978-1-64041-026-8. $60.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 120 pages. Includes quarter binding with spine stamp.
A. Reclining print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. End print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
C. Lost World print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
D. Cow print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
E. 7 postcard set in specially designed envelope. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
4. Spectrum 26: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art
November 2019
Year in Review by John Fleskes.
Grandmaster introduction by Dan Dos Santos.
Tribute by Arnie Fenner.
Edited and designed by Katherine Chu and John Fleskes.
Cover design by Arnie Fenner.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-025-1. $39.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 336 pages.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-64041-024-4. $49.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 336 pages.
5. Ambedo
December 2019
Introduction by Tran Nguyen.
Designed by John Fleskes and Tran Nguyen.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-64041-017-6. $39.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 208 pages.
A. The Cerulean Girl print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. Forbidden Forest print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
C. Spin the Dawn print. Signed and numbered. 18 x 24 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
D. Bonus print. 8 x 10 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
E. A Place We Once Homed II enamel two pin set. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
F. 10 postcard set. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
G. 2 bookmark set. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
2018 Flesk Titles
1. The Illustrated Call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft with over 100 pencil drawings by Gary Gianni
March 2018
Designed by Marcelo Anciano.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-003-9. 6 x 9.125 inches, 128 pages. Includes quarter binding with spine stamp.
2. Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea Studio Edition by Mike Mignola and Gary Gianni
April 2018
Hellboy by Mike Mignola.
Commentary by Gary Gianni.
Designed by John Fleskes and Gary Gianni.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-004-6. $50.00 cover price, 10 x 13 inches, 144 pages. Includes quarter binding with spine stamp.
Deluxe signed edition in slipcase limited to 100 copies. ISBN: 978-1-64041-005-3. $100.00 cover price, 10 x 13 inches, 144 pages. Signed by Mike Mignola and Gary Gianni. Includes a drawing by Gianni.
A. Page 6 print. Signed. 18 x 24 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. Page 11 print. Signed. 18 x 24 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
C. Page 15 print. Signed. 18 x 24 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
D. Page 25 print. Signed. 18 x 24 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
E. Page 30 print. Signed. 18 x 24 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
F. Cover print. Signed. 18 x 24 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
G. 3 print set. 8 x 10 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
3. Mark Schultz: Carbon 3 by Mark Schultz
August 2018
Introduction by Mark Schultz.
Designed and edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-009-1. $24.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 56 pages.
Hardcover signed deluxe edition with jacket limited to 600 copies. ISBN: 978-1-64041-008-4. $40.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 58 pages.
A. Asha in the Deep print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. Gothic Hannah print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
C. Our Lady of the Red Planet print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
D. Under the Volcano print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
E. 6 postcard set. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
4. The Thousand Demon Tree by Jeffrey Alan Love
August 2018
Cover design by Ben Norland.
Interiors designed by Jeffrey Alan Love and John Fleskes.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-010-7. $29.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 96 pages.
Deluxe signed edition limited to 800 copies. ISBN: 978-1-64041-011-4. $40.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 96 pages.
A. Lone Warrior print. Signed. 11 x 17 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. Story Splash print. Signed. 13 x 19 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
C. Cover print. Signed. 18 x 24 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
D. 6 postcard set. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
5. The Art of Brom Publisher Edition: New Witch Jacket
September 2017
Introduction by Arnie Fenner.
Afterword by John Fleskes.
Designed by Brom.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Hardcover with new jacket. ISBN: 978-1-64041-012-1. $29.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 224 pages.
6. Spectrum 25: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art
November 2018
Year in Review by John Fleskes.
Grandmaster introduction by Arnie Fenner.
Tributes by Bill Carman and William Stout.
Edited and designed by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-64041-006-0. $35.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-64041-007-7. $45.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages.
7. Pastoral by J.A.W. Cooper
December 2018
Interiors designed by J.A.W. Cooper and John Fleskes.
Cover design by Jay and Shannon Doronio
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-013-8. $35.00 cover price, 11.5 x 12 inches, 128 pages.
Deluxe signed edition in slipcase limited to 100 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-64041-014-5. $200.00 cover price, 11.5 x 12 inches, 128 pages.
A. Safe Passage by J.A.W. Cooper print. Signed and numbered. 18 x 24 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. Fruition by J.A.W. Cooper print. Signed and numbered. 18 x 24 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
C. 2 print set. 10 x 10 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
D. Stag and Leg two piece enamel pin set. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
2017 Flesk Titles
1. Line of Beauty: The Art of Wendy Pini. Art by Wendy Pini. Words by Richard Pini.
April 2017
Introduction by Richard Pini.
Designed by Arpad Terek.
Edited by John Fleskes and Richard Pini.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-88-1. $50.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages
Deluxe signed edition in slipcase limited to 500 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-87-4. $100.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 320 pages. Includes 16 bonus pages. Includes quarter binding with special onlaid plate on the front cover boards.
2. The Marvel Art of Arthur Adams
May 2017
Introduction by Jeff Loeb.
Designed by Arpad Terek.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1933865-94-2. $30.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 80 pages.
3. Drawing Beautiful Women: The Frank Cho Method Publisher Edition with New Jacket
May 2017
Introduction by Mark Schultz
Edited and designed by Frank Cho and John Fleskes.
Hardcover Publisher Edition with new jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-61-4. $35.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 136 pages.
A. 4 print set. 8 x 10 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
4. The Story of Harvey Dunn, Artist: Where Your Heart is… by Robert Karolevitz
May 2017
Forward by Robert R. Karolevitz
Edited by Lynn Verschoor.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-0-9666544-2-4. $40.00 cover price, 12.5 x 9.75 inches, 208 pages.
Published by the South Dakota Art Museum. Packaged by John Fleskes and Flesk Publications with the director of the museum, Lynn Verschoor.
5. J.A.W. Cooper: Familiars, Flora & Fauna, and Viscera
October 2017
Words by J.A.W. Cooper
Designed by J.A.W. Cooper and John Fleskes.
Edited by John Fleskes.
All three hardcover books in slipcase. $60.00 cover price.
A. Familiars
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-95-9. $25.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 64 pages.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-002-2. 9 x 12 inches, 64 pages.
B. Flora & Fauna
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-96-6. $25.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 80 pages.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-001-5. 9 x 12 inches, 80 pages.
C. Viscera
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-97-3. $25.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 64 pages.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-000-8. 9 x 12 inches, 64 pages.
D. Shapeshifter print. Signed and numbered. 18 x 24 inches
E. Sticks and Stones print. Signed and numbered. 18 x 24 inches
F. 5 postcard set. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
G. Frog, Goat, Monkey, Sphinx enamel pin set. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
6. Spectrum 24: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art
November 2017
Year in Review by John Fleskes.
Grandmaster introduction by George Pratt.
Edited and designed by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-98-0. $35.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-99-7. $45.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages.
2016 Flesk Titles
1. Terry Dodson’s Bombshell’s Sketchbook Collection Two
July 2016
Designed by Terry Dodson and John Fleskes.
Hardcover. $25.00 cover price, 7.75 x 10.25 inches, 48 pages.
2. The Nexus Chronicles by Steve Rude
July 2016
Introduction by John Fleskes.
Designed by John Fleskes and Steve Rude.
Cover designed by Mike Jones and Steve Rude.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1933865-76-8. $50.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages. Included a free Nexus full size 17 x 22 inch newspaper strip
3. Arthur Adams Monsters Attack!!! (Second printing.)
July 2016
Designed by Arpad Terek.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-84-3. $20.00 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 48 pages.
4. Mark Schultz: Carbon 2
July 2016
Introduction by Mark Schultz.
Designed by John Fleskes and Mark Schultz.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-91-1. $24.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 56 pages.
Hardcover signed deluxe edition with jacket limited to 600 copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-93-5. $40.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 58 pages.
A. 2 print set. 8 x 10 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
5. Elfquest: The Art of the Story. Art by Wendy Pini. Words by Richard and Wendy Pini.
August 2016
Introduction by Heather and Rob Beschizza.
Designed by Arpad Terek.
Edited by John Fleskes and Richard Pini.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-86-7. $50.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages.
Deluxe signed edition in slipcase limited to 500 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-87-4. $100.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 320 pages. Includes 16 bonus pages and a free bonus print. Includes quarter binding with special onlaid plate on the front cover boards.
A. 2 print set. 8 x 10 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. 5 postcard set. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
C. 3 bookmark set. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
6. Notes from the Shadowed City by Jeffrey Alan Love
September 2016
Designed by Jeffrey Alan Love and John Fleskes.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-933865-92-8. $24.95 cover price, 6 x 9 inches, 160 pages.
7. Storms at Sea Deluxe Edition by Mark Schultz
September 2016
Introduction by John W.G. Christensen.
Designed by John Fleskes and Mark Schultz.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Deluxe signed edition in slipcase limited to 500 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1933865-69-0. $100.00 cover price, 13.5 x 10.5 inches, 82 pages.
A. 2 print set. 8 x 10 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
8. Spectrum 23: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art
November 2016
Year in Review by John Fleskes.
Grandmaster introduction by Rebecca Léveillé-Guay.
Edited and designed by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-89-8. $35.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-90-4. $45.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages.
2015 Flesk Titles
1. Arthur Adams Monsters Attack!!!
July 2015
Designed by Arpad Terek.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-84-3. $20.00 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 48 pages.
2. Surrender, My Sweet by Bruce Timm
July 2015
Designed by John Fleskes and Bruce Timm
Paperback limited to 1000 copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-83-6. $25.00 cover price. 5.5 x 7 inches, 64 pages.
3. Flesk Blank Sketchbooks
July 2015
Frank Cho Cover. $7.00 cover price. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 48 pages.
Terry Dodson Cover. $7.00 cover price. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 48 pages.
Iain McCaig Cover. $7.00 cover price. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 48 pages.
Mark Schultz Cover. $7.00 cover price. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 48 pages.
Bruce Timm Cover. $7.00 cover price. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 48 pages.
4. Pridelands by Daren Bader and Lance HaunRogue.
August 2015
Art by Daren Bader.
Written by Lance HaunRogue.
Designed by Arpad Terek.
Paperback limited to 500 copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-82-9. $20 cover price, 8.5 x 11 inches, 48 pages.
5. Tribes of Kai by Daren Bader and Lance HaunRogue.
August 2015
Art by Daren Bader.
Written by Lance HaunRogue.
Designed by Arpad Terek.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1933865-70-6. $24.95 cover price, 8 x 12 inches, 80 pages
Deluxe signed edition in slipcase limited to 500 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-71-3. $50.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 96 pages. Includes 16 bonus pages.
A. 2 print set. 8 x 10 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
6. The Book of Giants by Petar Meseldzija
August 2015
Designed by Petar Meseldzija and Arpad Terek.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-67-6. $34.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 160 pages
Deluxe signed edition in slipcase limited to 500 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-68-3. $60.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 176 pages. Includes 16 bonus pages.
A. Bonus print. 8 x 10 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
7. Mark Schultz: Portfolio: The Complete Various Drawings
August 2015
Introduction by Zander Cannon.
Forward by Mark Schultz.
Designed by John Fleskes and Mark Schultz.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-933865-72-0. $50.00 cover price, 11.5 x 12 inches, 272 pages.
Deluxe signed edition in slipcase limited to 1000 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-73-7. $100.00 cover price, 11.5 x 12 inches, 274 pages.
8. Storms at Sea by Mark Schultz
August 2015
Introduction by John W.G. Christensen.
Designed by John Fleskes and Mark Schultz.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1933865-66-9. $24.95 cover price, 8 x 11.5 inches, 80 pages
9. Imagery From the Bird’s Home: The Art of Bill Carman
October 2015
Forward by Bill Carman.
Designed by Bill Carman.
Edited by Bill Carman and John Fleskes.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1933865-74-4. $40 cover price, 9.5 x 11 inches, 192 pages
Publisher hardcover edition limited to 300 copies. ISBN: 978-1933865-75-1. $50 cover price, 9.5 x 11 inches, 208 pages. Includes 16 bonus pages.
10. Spectrum 22: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art
November 2015
Year in Review by John Fleskes.
Grandmaster introduction by Gary Gianni.
Edited and designed by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-80-5. $35.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-81-2. $45.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages.
11. The Art of Elfquest. Art by Wendy Pini. Words by Richard and Wendy Pini.
December 2015
Introduction by John Fleskes.
Designed by Arpad Terek.
Edited by John Fleskes and Richard Pini.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1933865-78-2. $50.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages
Deluxe signed edition in slipcase limited to 500 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1933865-79-9. $100.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 306 pages. Includes 16 bonus pages and a free bonus print. Includes quarter binding with special onlaid plate on the front cover boards.
A. 2 print set. 8 x 10 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
B. 5 postcard set. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
C. 3 bookmark set. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
12. Elfquest Coloring Book. Art by Wendy Pini
December 2015
Designed by John Fleskes and Richard and Wendy Pini.
Paperback. Free exclusive for Kickstarter supporters. 9 x 12 inches, 32 pages.
13. The Art of The Dam Keeper
December 2015
Designed by Pamela Hsu and John Fan.
Edited by John Fan and John Fleskes.
Written Contributions by Roland Kelts.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-85-0. $40.00 cover price. 7.5 x 9 inches, 168 pages.
2014 Flesk Titles
1. Wayne Thiebaud: Works on Paper 1948-2004 by Michael Zakian
January, 2014.
Introduction and essay by Michael Zakian.
Designed by John Fleskes.
Edited by John Fleskes and Michael Zakian.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-882705-11-5. $40.00 cover price. 11.75 x 10 inches, 112 pages.
Packaged and designed for the Weisman Museum of Art, Pepperdine University.
2. Masquerade: A Terry Dodson Sketchbook
July 2014
Paperback, $15.00 cover price. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 16 pages.
3. Monterey Now: Warren Chang
October 2014
Introduction and interview by Charlotte Eyerman.
Paperback, ISBN: 978-1-933865-65-2. $20.00 cover price. 8.5 x 9 inches, 32 pages.
4. Spectrum 21: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art
November 2014
Year in Review by John Fleskes
Grandmaster introduction by Terri Windling.
Tribute by William Stout.
Edited and designed by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-57-7. $35.00 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-58-4. $45.00 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages.
5. Drawing Beautiful Women: The Frank Cho Method
November 2014
Introduction by Mark Schultz.
Edited and designed by Frank Cho and John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-59-1. $19.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 120 pages.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-933865-60-7. $29.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 120 pages.
Hardcover publisher edition with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-61-4. $34.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 136 pages.
Hardcover publisher signed edition with jacket in slipcase limited to 500 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-62-4. $50.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 136 pages. Includes 16 bonus pages.
Studio Edition. ISBN: 978-1-933865-63-8. $150 cover price, 12 x 17 inches, 140 pages. Includes 16 bonus pages.
Studio Edition signed and limited to 500 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-64-5. $200.00 cover price, 12 x 17 inches, 142 pages. Includes 16 bonus pages.
A. 4 bonus prints. 8 x 10 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
2013 Flesk Titles
1. Illustrating Modern Life: The Golden Age of Illustration from the Kelly Collection
January, 2013
Introduction and essay by Michael Zakian.
Richard Kelly interview by David Apatoff.
Designed by Randall Dahlk.
Edited by John Fleskes and Michael Zakian.
Hardcover with Jacket. ISBN: 978-1-882705-10-8. $40.00 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 112 pages.
Packaged and designed for the Weisman Museum of Art, Pepperdine University.
2. Spectrum Fantastic Art Live 2
May 2013
Introduction by Cathy and Arnie Fenner.
Artist introductions by Ari Berk, Bobby Chiu, Gregory Manchess, George Pratt, Bob Self and Greg Spalenka.
Afterword by John Fleskes.
Edited and designed by John Fleskes.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-48-5. $29.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 80 pages.
3. Bombshells 7: A Terry Dodson Sketchbook
July 2013
Paperback. $15.00 cover price. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 16 pages.
Packaged and designed for Terry Dodson.
4. The Art of Brom
August 2013
Introduction by Arnie Fenner.
Afterword by John Fleskes.
Designed by Brom.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Hardcover Trade Edition with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-49-2. $44.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 208 pages.
Hardcover Publisher Edition: Fantasy cover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-50-8. $49.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 224 pages. Includes 16 bonus pages.
Hardcover Publisher Edition: Nude cover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-51-5. $49.95 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 224 pages. Includes 16 bonus pages.
Hardcover deluxe signed edition in slipcase limited to 500 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-52-2. $250.00 cover price, 9 x 12 inches, 225 pages. Includes 16 bonus pages.
A. 5 print set in envelope. 8 x 10 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
5. Brom: Sketches, Drawings and Musings
August 2013
Designed by Brom.
Paperback, saddle-stitched. ISBN: 978-1-933865-53-9. $15.00 cover price. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 16-pages.
6. Carbon by Mark Schultz
July 2013
Introduction by Mark Schultz.
Designed by John Fleskes and Mark Schultz.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-54-6. $24.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 56 pages.
Hardcover signed deluxe edition with jacket limited to 600 copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-55-3.$40.00 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 57 pages.
A. 3 print set. Signed. 8 x 10 inches. Exclusive to Kickstarter supporters.
7. Xenozoic by Mark Schultz (Third printing with new cover.)
August 2013
Introduction by Craig Elliott
Designed by Randall Dahlk.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-31-7. $39.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 352 pages.
Hardcover signed deluxe edition with jacket limited to 500 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-56-0, $75.00 cover price, 8.5 x 11 inches, 353 pages.
8. Beyond the Known Forest, She Talks with Birds by Mark Schultz
July 2013
Signed print. $50.00. 18 x 24 inches.
9. Naughty and Nice: The Good Girl Art of Bruce Timm 2013 Teaser
July 2013
Designed by John Fleskes and Bruce Timm.
Paperback signed edition limited to 1000 numbered copies. $15.00 cover price. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 16-pages.
10. The Art of Elfquest & Line of Beauty: The Art of Wendy Pini Teaser
July 2013
Designed by John Fleskes and Richard and Wendy Pini.
Paperback signed edition limited to 1000 numbered copies. $15.00 cover price. 5.5 x 8.5 inches. Includes 16 bonus pages and a free bonus print.
11. Naughty and Nice: The Good Girl Art of Bruce Timm Big Pocket Edition (Second printing.)
September 2013
Introduction by Jim Steranko.
Designed by Randall Dahlk, John Fleskes and Bruce Timm.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-47-8. $29.95 cover price. 7.5 x 10 inches, 256 pages.
12. An Evening with Flesk Prime print
October 2013
Print signed and numbered limited to 50 prints. $100.00, 17 x 24 inches. Signed by Terry Dodson, Petar Meseldzija, Mark Schultz, Jim Silke and Thomas Yeates. (Only 25 listed for sale to the public)
2012 Flesk Titles
1. The Art of Craig Elliott
January 2012
Introduction by Iain McCaig.
Foreword by John Fleskes.
Designed by Craig Elliott.
Hardcover Red Cover Edition with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-39-3. $29.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 68 pages.
Hardcover Bra Cover Edition with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-39-3. $29.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 68 pages.
Hardcover Nude Cover Edition with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-39-3. $29.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 68 pages.
2. Naughty and Nice: The Good Girl Art of Bruce Timm
January 2012
Introduction by Jim Steranko.
Designed by Randall Dahlk, John Fleskes and Bruce Timm.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-40-9. $50.00 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages.
Hardcover Signed deluxe edition in slipcase limited to 1000 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-41-6. $100.00 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 304 pages.
3. Warren Chang: Narrative Paintings
January 2012
Introduction by Thomas Valenti.
Essays by Max Ginsburg and Steve Hauk.
Designed by Todd Casey.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Hardcover with Jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-43-0. $45.00 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 112 pages.
4. Spectrum Fantastic Art Live! 2012 commemorative show book
May 2012
Introduction by Cathy and Arnie Fenner.
Artist introductions and interviews by Tray Batey, Christopher Golden, Lorne Lanning, Christopher Paolini and William Stout.
Afterword by John Fleskes.
Edited and designed by John Fleskes.
Hardcover with Jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-45-4. $29.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 64 pages.
5. Naughty and Nice: The Good Girl Art of Bruce Timm 2012 Teaser
July 2012
Designed by John Fleskes and Bruce Timm.
Paperback Signed edition limited to 1000 numbered copies. $15.00 cover price. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 16-pages.
6. James Bama: Personal Works
December 2012
Essay by John Fleskes.
Edited and designed by John Fleskes.
Hardcover with Jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-42-3. $45.00 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 144 pages. Includes bonus 8.5 x 11 print.
7. Jim Silke Sketchbook Volume One
December 2012
Introduction by Jim Silke.
Designed by John Fleskes and Jim Silke.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-46-1. $19.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 64 pages.
8. Naughty and Nice: The Good Girl Art of Bruce Timm Big Pocket Edition
December 2012
Introduction by Jim Steranko.
Designed by Randall Dahlk, John Fleskes and Bruce Timm.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-47-8. $29.95 cover price. 7.5 x 10 inches, 256 pages.
Production assistance provided for the following sketchbook for Terry Dodson
1. Bombshells 6: A Terry Dodson Sketchbook
July 2012
Paperback. $15.00, 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 16-pages.
Total 2012 page count is 976 pages.
2011 Flesk Titles
1. Mysterious Islands by Gary Gianni
July 2011
Designed by John Fleskes and Gary Gianni.
Back cover design by Jim Keegan.
Paperback signed edition limited to 1000 numbered copies, saddle-stitched. ISBN: 978-1-933865-37-9. $10.00 cover price. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 16 pages.
2. Al Williamson Archives Volume Two
July 2011
Introduction by Victor Williamson
Designed by Randall Dahlk.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-34-8. $19.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 64 pages.
3. Mark Schultz: Various Drawings Volume Five
July 2011
Introduction by Fred Perry.
Designed by Randall Dahlk.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-35-5. $19.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 48 pages.
Hardcover signed deluxe edition with jacket limited to 800 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-36-2. $34.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 48 pages.
4. Xenozoic by Mark Schultz (Second printing.)
July 2011
Introduction by Craig Elliott
Designed by Randall Dahlk.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-31-7. $39.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 352 pages.
5. Naughty and Nice: The Good Girl Art of Bruce Timm Teaser
July 2011
Designed by John Fleskes and Bruce Timm.
Paperback signed edition limited to 1000 numbered copies. $25.00 cover price. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 16-pages.
6. Flesk Prime
August 2011
Designed, edited and written by John Fleskes.
Jacket design by Randall Dahlk.
Hardcover with Jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-38-6. $24.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 64 pages.
A. An Evening with Flesk Prime print.
September 2011
Print signed and numbered limited to 50 prints. $100.00 cover price. 17 x 24 inches. Signed by Elliott, Gianni, Meseldzija, Schultz and Stout. (Only 25 listed for sale to the public)
Production assistance provided for the following two sketchbooks for Terry Dodson
1. Reveries by Terry Dodson
July 2011
Paperback signed edition limited to 500 numbered copies. $25.00 cover price. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 16-pages.
2. Bombshells 5: A Terry Dodson Sketchbook
July 2011
Paperback. $15.00 cover price. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 16-pages.
Total 2011 count is 240 pages and 1 print.
2010 Flesk Titles
1. Blue Book by Mark Schultz
March 2010
Designed by John Fleskes and Mark Schultz.
Paperback signed edition limited to 1000 numbered copies. $10.00 cover price. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 16 pages.
2. James Bama Sketchbook: A Seventy-Year Journey, Traveling From the Far East to the Wild West
May 2010
Introduction by Arnie and Cathy Fenner.
Essay by John Fleskes.
Designed, edited and written by John Fleskes.
Cover designed by Randall Dahlk.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-24-9. $24.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 144 pages.
3. William Stout: Hallucinations by William Stout
July 2010
Forward by William Stout.
Designed by Randall Dahlk.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-25-6. $19.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 48 pages.
Hardcover signed deluxe edition with jacket limited to 500 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-26-3. $29.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 48 pages.
4. Al Williamson Archives
July 2010
Introduction by Angelo Torres.
Designed by Randall Dahlk.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-29-4. $19.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 64 pages.
5. Harvey Dunn: Illustrator and Painter of the Pioneer West by Walt Reed
August 2010
Introduction by Lynn Verschoor, director, South Dakota Art Museum
Forward by Saul Tepper.
Preface by Walt Reed.
Afterword by Charles J. Smith
Hardcover with Jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-19-5. $50.00 cover price. 12.5 x 9.75 inches, 304 pages.
Hardcover Signed deluxe edition in slipcase with special upgraded book binding, bonus art (unpublished experimental painting “Romance,” from the 1920s) and the proof of an undated photo of Harvey Dunn bound in on special signature double page. Signed by Walt Reed. Limited to 350 numbered copies (100 copies sold through Flesk, 250 reserved for the South Dakota Art Museum and Illustration House, NYC.) ISBN: 978-1-933865-20-1. $125.00 cover price. 12.5 x 9.75 inches, 304 pages.
6. The Legend of Steel Bashaw by Petar Meseldžija
October 2010
Written and illustrated by Petar Meseldžija.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-30-0. $19.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 64 pages.
7. William Stout: Inspirations by William Stout
November 2010
Forward by William Stout.
Designed by Randall Dahlk.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-27-0. $19.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 48 pages.
Hardcover signed deluxe edition with jacket limited to 650 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-28-7. $29.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 48 pages.
8. Xenozoic by Mark Schultz
November 2010
Introduction by Craig Elliott
Designed by Randall Dahlk.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-31-7. $39.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 352 pages.
9. Jungle Girls by Jim Silke
December 2010
Designed by Jim Silke.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-32-4. $24.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 84 pages.
Hardcover signed and numbered deluxe edition with jacket limited to 500 copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-33-1. $44.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 84 pages
Total 2010 page count is 1124 pages.
2009 Flesk Titles
January 23, 2009 marked my first full time date running Flesk Publications. Prior to this, I held a full-time position at a tech company for a decade. This explains the growth in the number of titles released from this year forward.
1. Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne adapted by Gary Gianni
January 2009
Introduction by Ray Bradbury.
Designed and Colored by Jim & Ruth Keegan.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-933865-08-9. $24.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 64 pages.
Hardcover Signed deluxe edition limited to 600 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-09-6. $34.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 64 pages.
Hardcover super deluxe with original art limited to 40 copies. (Prices varied based on artwork.)
2. William Stout: Prehistoric Life Murals by William Stout
January 2009 (indicia states January 2009, but it arrived in stores in February)
Introduction by Ray Harryhausen.
Designed by Randall Dahlk.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-10-2. $39.95 cover price. 10 x 12 inches, 144 pages.
Hardcover Signed deluxe edition limited to 600 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-11-9. $49.95 cover price. 10 x 12 inches, 144 pages.
Hardcover super deluxe with original art in slipcase.
3. Major Thrill’s Adventure Book by Gary Gianni
July 2009
Designed by Gary Gianni and John Fleskes.
Paperback, saddle-stitched. ISBN: 978-1-933865-18-8. $15.00 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 32 pages.
4. Mark Schultz Various Drawings Volume Four
August 2009
Introduction by Brendan Burford.
Designed by Randall Dahlk.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-16-4. $19.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 48 pages.
Hardcover Signed deluxe edition with jacket limited to 800 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-17-1. $29.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 48 pages.
5. Al Williamson’s Flash Gordon: A Lifelong Vision of the Heroic by Mark Schultz
June 2009
Introduction by Sergio Aragonés.
Text by Mark Schultz.
Designed by Randall Dahlk.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-12-6. $29.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 256 pages.
Hardcover edition with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-13-3. $44.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 256 pages.
6. New Dinosaur Discoveries A-Z by William Stout
December 2009
Written and illustrated by William Stout.
Designed by Randall Dahlk.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-933865-23-2. $14.95 cover price. 6 x 8.5 inches, 64 pages.
7. Dinosaur Discoveries by William Stout
December 2009
Written and illustrated by William Stout.
Designed by Randall Dahlk.
Edited by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-22-5. $24.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 144 pages.
Hardcover Signed deluxe edition with jacket limited to 500 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-21-8. $39.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 144 pages.
Total 2009 page count is 752 pages.
2008 Flesk Titles
1. The Prince Valiant Page by Gary Gianni
June 2008
Introduction by Robert Wagner.
Foreword by Mike Mignola.
Edited and designed by Gary Gianni and John Fleskes.
Cover design by John Fleskes, Gary Gianni and Jim Keegan
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-04-1. $29.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 112 pages.
Hardcover Signed deluxe edition in slipcase limited to 1000 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-05-8. $39.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 112 pages.
Hardcover super-deluxe signed edition limited to 50 numbered copies and containing a tipped in Prince Valiant strip preliminary in pencil by Gianni. (first 50 copies of the hardcover signed deluxe)
2. Xenozoic Tales by Mark Schultz
July 2008
Regular print. $19.95 cover price. 18 x 24 inches
Deluxe Signed print limited to 100 numbered prints on special thick archival paper. $99.95 cover price. 18 x 24 inches.
Total 2008 count is 112 pages and 1 print
2007 Flesk Titles
1. Franklin Booth: Painter with a Pen by John Fleskes (Third printing.)
July 2007
Introduction by Roy Krenkel.
Foreword by Walt Reed.
Essay by John Fleskes
Edited and designed by John Fleskes.
Cover design for third printing by Randall Dahlk.
Interiors designed by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-0-9723758-0-1. $19.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 112 pages.
2. Mark Schultz: Various Drawings Volume Three
August 2007
Introduction by Michael Ryan.
Designed by Randall Dahlk.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-02-7. $19.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 48 pages.
Hardcover Signed deluxe edition with jacket limited to 1000 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-03-4. $29.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 48 pages.
3. Steve Rude: Artist in Motion by Steve Rude and John Fleskes
December 2007
Introduction by Mike Baron.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-1-933865-06-5. $39.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 208 pages.
Hardcover Signed deluxe in slipcase limited to 1000 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-07-2. $74.95 cover price. 9 x 12 inches, 208 pages.
Hardcover super-limited edition to 13 roman numeral copies with bound in original watercolor artwork in a unique clam shell tray case.
Total 2007 page count is 256 pages.
2006 Flesk Titles
1. Mark Schultz: Various Drawings Volume Two
July 2006
Introduction by Gary Gianni.
Commentary by Mark Schultz.
Designed by Randall Dahlk.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-933865-00-3. $19.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 48 pages.
Hardcover Signed deluxe edition with jacket limited to 1000 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-1-933865-01-0. $29.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 48 pages.
2. James Bama: American Realist by Brian Kane
October 2006
Written and designed by Brian M. Kane in cooperation with Mr. Bama.
Introduction by Harlan Ellison.
Foreword by Len Leone.
Hardcover with jacket. ISBN: 978-0972375-88-7. $34.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 160 pages.
Signed deluxe edition in slipcase limited to 1000 numbered copies. ISBN: 978-0972375-89-4. $74.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 160 pages. Includes James Bama: American Realist, A flim by Paul Jilbert bonus DVD.
Total 2006 page count is 208 pages.
2005 Flesk Titles
1. Mark Schultz: Various Drawings Volume One
July 2005
Introduction by Mark Schultz.
Designed by Randall Dahlk.
Paperback. ISBN: 0-9723758-6-4. $19.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 48 pages.
Hardcover signed deluxe edition with jacket limited to 500 numbered copies. ISBN: 0-9723758-7-2. $29.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 48 pages.
Total 2005 page count is 48 pages.
2004 Flesk Title
1. Joseph Clement Coll: A Legacy in Line by John Fleskes
July 2004
Introduction by Gary Gianni.
Foreword by John Fleskes.
Essay by Nick Meglin.
Designed by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 0-9723758-3-X. $24.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 208 pages.
Hardcover. ISBN: 0-9723758-4-8. $39.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 208 pages.
Hardcover Deluxe Signed edition with jacket limited to 300 numbered copies and signed by Fleskes, Gianni and Meglin. ISBN: 0-9723758-5-6. $49.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 208 pages.
2. Franklin Booth: Painter with a Pen by John Fleskes (Second printing.)
Introduction by Roy Krenkel.
Foreword by Walt Reed.
Essay by John Fleskes.
Interiors designed by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-0-9723758-0-1. $19.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 112 pages.
Total 2004 page count is 208 pages.
2003 Flesk Title
1. Joseph Clement Coll: The Art of Adventure by John Fleskes
July 2003
Introduction by Al Williamson and Mark Schultz.
Essay by John Fleskes.
Edited and designed by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 0-9723758-1-3. $19.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 168 pages.
Hardcover edition with jacket limited to 800 copies. ISBN: 0-9723758-2-1, $39.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 168 pages.
Total 2003 page count is 168 pages.
2002 Flesk Title
1. Franklin Booth: Painter with a Pen by John Fleskes
March 2002
Introduction by Roy Krenkel.
Foreword by Walt Reed.
Essay by John Fleskes.
Edited and designed by John Fleskes.
Paperback. ISBN: 978-0-9723758-0-1. $19.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 112 pages.
Hardcover edition limited to 500 copies. $39.95 cover price. 8.5 x 11 inches, 112 pages.
Total 2002 page count is 112 pages.
My first book!
Scanning assistance: After the release of the Franklin Booth book, Gary Gianni asked me if I could scan his art for use in an upcoming self-published book of his. I scanned the original artwork for the 40 story pages for Corpus Monstrum by Gary Gianni, published by Hieronymus Press in 2002. Jim Keegan designed the book.
Many more to come!
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Text copyright © 2024 John Fleskes. Photos by Vicky Lien and John Fleskes and © 2024 . Videos © 2024 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2024 its respective artists. All rights reserved.