Revised Franklin Booth Book In-Development!

Back in the spring of 2002 I published my first book, Franklin Booth: Painter with a Pen. Early next year I will begin working on a revised edition to have available in the spring of 2022. What better way to celebrate our 20th anniversary than to revisit the book that started it all!

I came across a box recently that is filled with additional Booth material that I have gathered over the years. For instance, I have a fascinating unpublished article that was written by one of Booth’s students. I spoke on the phone with him about 15 years ago when he was well into his nineties. Soon after our call he mailed me his essay with his permission to publish it one day.

By taking my time throughout 2021, I feel this will make for a special new edition that will be enjoyable to work on at a leisurely pace.

If you have any neat obscure Booth material that you would like to share with me to use in the revised book,please let me know. I may already have it, but maybe not?

At the moment, we’re wrapping up 5 new books on other artists. I’ll be making many new announcements as the months go by.



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Text and photos copyright © 2020 John Fleskes. Videos © 2020 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2020 its respective artists. All rights reserved.