I visited Mark Schultz in early November while on a research trip for a trio of books. (More on these in the coming months.) On his drawing board was a pencil underdrawing of “Lunar Pulpette” ready for ink. I asked Mark if he would mind my filming him while he worked in which he graciously agreed to.
Mark’s usual practice is to move the paper to align best with his brush strokes. For the sake of filming, we taped the art board down and filmed two close up sequences over the course of an hour apiece for future time-lapse demonstrations. This followed with his working in his usual method of moving the paper around and my taking grab shots for another hour with the HD camera from different angles. I asked Mark if he has ever been filmed before. He answered that he has been filmed doing quick sketches, but this is the first time when working on a full finished piece. Without his realizing it (I mentioned it to Mark after) he talked constantly about his methods, and what he was doing and why.
The video will be shared in due time. I have books I need to finish first, and then can concentrate more fully on editing the footage. I promise it will be available before the next Xenozoic story Mark has promised comes out!
I had my still camera with me and took some pictures during the filming of the time-lapse.

John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
Art copyright © 2012 Mark Schultz. Used with permission. Text and photographs copyright © 2012 John Fleskes. All rights reserved.