Spectrum Fantastic Art Live 2 — Pictures and Stories Part 2 — The Show Book Group Signing

The six guests of Spectrum Fantastic Art Live 2, and a few contributors, joined us at the Flesk booth on Saturday from 2:00-3:15 for a big group commemorative book signing. I want to thank everyone who took part: Charles Vess, Jon Foster, Terryl Whitlatch, Peter de Sève, Michael Whelan, Tara McPherson, Greg Spalenka, George Pratt and Cathy & Arnie Fenner–and for being so giving of your time!

I took some pictures during the event. The captions fall under each picture.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-01Spectrum founders and show organizers, Cathy and Arnie Fenner, who wrote the introduction to the book, were able to take part.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-02Here’s George Pratt, who wrote the introduction to Jon Foster’s section. He’s an incredible painter and a pleasure to talk with.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-03Special guest, Tara McPherson, signing a copy of the book.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-04Michael Whelan–always in a good mood.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-05Peter de Sève was doing little drawings in the books.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-06Terryl Whitlatch, signing a copy of her book Animals: Real and Imagined. Fans were welcome to bring books from their personal collections to get signed, too.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-07Greg Spalenka, who wrote the introduction to Tara McPherson’s section, was kind enough to join in–to our delight.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-08Jon Foster, in good spirits whenever I saw him.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-09The legendary artist, Charles Vess.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-10This is a group shot from the vantage point of standing in line as you would round the corner to start getting your signatures and meeting the artists and writers.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-11Charles Vess was signing and doing quick drawings in the books.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-12Jon Foster adding a drawing for a lucky fan.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-13Terryl Whitlatch signing a show book.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-14Peter de Sève seemed to do a different drawing in each book. His creativity appears to be endless.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-15Michael Whelan signing the commemorative book. How would you like for this to be your copy!

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-16Tara McPherson signing a copy in her section. Her paintings are amazing. What a treat to have her in the book and as a guest.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-17Here’s a picture from the position as you are exiting the signing area.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-18And another picture as you are walking back and away from the Flesk booth.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-19This is a partial group shot form the middle of the line.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-20Charles Vess was drawing on the table plastic cover in-between signing books. I cut out and saved the drawing once the show was over. Charles let me know it would be OK to give it away to a lucky fan. We’re going to come up with some sort of a method to do so as a prize at the San Diego Comic-Con show.

Spectrum-FAL2-Flesk-book-signing-21Jonathan Leveck grabbed the camera as the signing was wrapping up and snapped this shot of Jon Foster and myself.

Thanks again to all of the artists, writers and to Cathy and Arnie Fenner for joining us for the group signing. I hope those that attended and those that participated had a great time!



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
text and pictures copyright © 2013 John Fleskes.

Mark Schultz / Flesk Publications Kickstarter Campaign Goes Live Today

Greetings, everyone! We launched our Schultz / Flesk Kickstarter campaign today. Here is a link and a copy of our email newsletter going out today.Thanks for looking.


Flesk Newsletter:
The Flesk and Mark Schultz Kickstarter Campaign is now live! We’re offering Mark’s new art book collection, Mark Schultz: Carbon, in both trade and Flesk exclusive hardcover editions.  We’re offering brand-spanking-new prints! We’re offering a Flesk exclusive hardcover edition collecting all the Xenozoic stories Mark has drawn! And we’re offering something truly unique: a video inking demonstration by Mark! Never before attempted — never before seen!

The full details and a video about our book and print offerings, exclusive Kickstarter goodies and a pair of pledges that will get you original artwork are provided at our Kickstarter campaign page here:


Here’s a breakdown of what you will find:
1. Mark Schultz: Carbon — new art book in paperback and Flesk exclusive hardcover
2. Xenozoic new printing with new cover — paperback and Flesk exclusive hardcover
3. “Beyond the Known Forest, She Talks with Birds” — signed color print
4. Exclusive Kickstarter 8 x 10” signed print — free to KS supporters
5. Exclusive brush and ink demonstration video by Mark Schultz — free to KS supporters
6. Two Special combination packs that offer original art from Mark Schultz.
Note: The hardcovers, prints and video will only happen if we reach our Kickstarter goal.

If you enjoy Mark’s work, this is your chance to support the quality projects he loves producing. Please take a look. And thank you — we appreciate your consideration!



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
Text copyright © 2013 John Fleskes. Art copyright © 2013 Mark Schultz



Warren Chang Lecture and Book Signing This Wednesday

Warren Chang will be giving a lecture at the Monterey Peninsula College this Wednesday from 1:30 to 2:30 PM. I will be in attendance and there will be a book signing immediately after his talk. See a little further below for the full details.

Also, the new issue of International Artist magazine (#90) features a book review of Narrative Paintings. The writer of the article, Matthew Innis, has posted the review on his Underpaintings blog. Check out the links at bottom to learn more.

Lecture Details:


MARCH 20TH, 1:30PM-2:30PM
980 Fremont St, Monterey, Ca 93940

Warren Chang will be giving a lecture and slide presentation of his work pertaining to the Old Masters. Perhaps best known for his paintings of the field workers of Monterey County where he grew up, his lecture will focus on the influence of historical artists Bruegal, Millet all the way up to contemporary times and the influence of author John Steinbeck and others on the artist’s work.

He is the recent subject of a monograph book, titled Warren Chang: Narrative Paintings, published by Flesk Publications in 2012 and due out for worldwide release in March, 2013. Copies of the book will be available at the lecture for purchase and signing by the artist.



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
Text copyright © 2013 John Fleskes. Art copyright © 2013 Warren Chang. All rights reserved.

International Artist magazine
Matthew Innis Underpaintings blog

Signed books by Mark Schultz, William Stout, Warren Chang and Craig Elliott Available at fleskpublications.com!

When Mark Schultz, William Stout, Warren Chang and Craig Elliott came into town for the APE show, each of them was kind enough to sign copies of their respective books. There are just a few on hand for some titles, while others have a few dozen. Here’s a list of signed titles, while supplies last. All are available at the cover price with no extra charge.

Xenozoic signed by Mark Schultz and introduction writer Craig Elliott.

Warren Chang: Narrative Paintings signed by Warren Chang

The Art of Craig Elliott signed by Craig Elliott

Hallucinations signed by William Stout

Inspirations signed by William Stout

Dinosaur Discoveries signed by William Stout

New Dinosaur Discoveries signed by William Stout



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
text copyright © 2012 John Fleskes. Artwork © 2012 the respective artist. All rights reserved.

Flesk at the Alternative Press Expo (APE), October 13-14. Mark Schultz, William Stout and Craig Elliott Signing!

I’m booking the flights, squaring way the hotel rooms and I just finished our Flesk advertisement for the APE program book given away to all attendees. The event may be a month from now, but my work begins about five weeks before the show date.

This year, Mark Schultz will be making his first APE appearance. Mark has missed the past two WonderCon shows, and hasn’t made an appearance in the Bay Area for going on two years. It’s good to have him back in our neighborhood for the weekend.

I am also flying in William Stout for the show. He’ll have plenty of art, prints and books with him. Craig Elliott, who joined me last year, will be making his second appearance at APE. I expanded to three tables this year. Mark, Bill, Craig and I will be all together at the Flesk booth 212-214.

Here’s the ad that will appear on the inside front cover of the APE guide.

I’ll have more news right before the show.



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
text and photos copyright © 2012 John Fleskes. All art is copyright its respective artist. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

APE website

Flesk at Comic-Con International in San Diego Part 1 – Pictures!

I have a few blog postings partially written about our time exhibiting at Comic-Con International in San Diego. Since I am working to wrap up a few books by the end of this month, they are on hold. For now I have some pictures to share with a promise of more detailed writing coming soon. Captions fall below the pictures.

We were graced by the Black Widow at our Flesk booth. The costumes are a familiar scene throughout the show.

Gary Gianni, Daren Bader, John Fleskes and Mark Schultz. This is just after the show ended on Sunday. We all had a chance to enjoy a few minutes of conversation before tearing down our respective booths. The Flesk booth compacted into two dolly loads and we were out of there by 7:00 p.m.

Gary Gianni at his booth. The banner behind him is promoting the “A Game of Thrones” 2014 calendar that he is providing the paintings for. This picture is a grab shot. He was talking with someone and not aware that I took his picture. It came out better than if I had posed him.

Mark Schultz, James Walker II and John Fleskes at the Flesk Booth.

Frank Cho signing his new 2013 calendar.

Frank Cho is a huge Justice League fan and gets excited whenever he sees any imagery relating to the team.

Mary, from our neighbors at Stuart Ng Books, and me hanging at the Flesk booth just before closing time on the final day.

I took this picture from Gary Gianni’s booth. This was two hours before the show closed on Sunday and you can see how busy the show remains all the way until the end. You can see the Flesk logo and our booth in the middle area.

Mark Schultz and Clayburn Moore were posing for a picture. I saw an opportunity and took this grab shot. For some reason, even though they are posing, this angle makes them look more natural.

Here, I’m talking to James Walker II about the Spectrum Fantastic Art Live! event book.

William Stout signing his card belonging to the seven postcard set celebrating ten years of Flesk. We handed out roughly four hundred of these sets to those who stopped by our Flesk booth as a thank you for their support and helping us to get to the ten year mark. We ran out by mid-Saturday.

William Stout at his booth at Comic-Con. Bill’s booth is an original art gallery. Walking inside is like stepping into a museum.

The Baby Tattoo mascot at their booth. The publisher, Bob Self, has created one of the most impressive looking booths at the show.

James Walker II and me at the Flesk Publications booth. James and I have been working shows for almost twenty years together. We used to assist with Bud Plant Illustrated Books and Lee’s Comics in the mid-nineties.

Mark Schultz signing a copy of his Xenozoic collection at the Flesk Publications booth.

Gary Gianni at the Gianni/Madefire booth. These guys deserve the award for “Most Improved” booth. It was amazing how simple, yet amazing their booth looked this year.

Thomas Yeates and Mark Schultz, the new artist and writer team of Prince Valiant. Thomas has taken over the drawing chores from the recently retired (from the strip) Gary Gianni.

James Walker II holding the fort. I was away from the Flesk booth for much of the show. James, Jonathan Leveck, Laura West and Tony Villador did a remarkable job taking care of things.

Mark Schultz was a special guest at Comic-Con this year. One of the benefits is that he had a handler assigned to him. Maeve escorted Mark to all of his panels and she helped in other various ways. At 6’3” she had an impressive stature combined with a calm approach that parted the seas of people to get us where we needed to go in quick fashion. (Mark’s “only” 6’1″)

Craig Elliott drawing at this booth. The portrait at the left is the result of a live painting demonstration at his booth.

This is what it looks like to peer over the shoulder of Craig Elliott while he is drawing. Craig is working on a show commission at his booth.

Craig Elliott’s palette used during his live painting from a model at his booth.

Mark Schultz talking with a fan at the Flesk booth.

This was taken inside the Botanical Building at Balboa Park in San Diego. This location is one of my yearly visits as I decompress and relax before the five day show begins.

Another picture taken in the Botanical Building at Balboa Park.

Botanical Building at Balboa Park.



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
text and photos copyright 2012 John Fleskes. All rights reserved.

Saturday at Comic-Con. Flesk Booth #5019

Today there is a spotlight panel for Gary Gianni running from 12:00 to 1:00 in room 4. It’ll be an exciting personal visit with Gary. I’m looking forward to going.

Artists who we have worked with at this show include Terry Dodson, Craig Elliott, Gary Gianni, Phil Hale, Mike Mignola, Mark Schultz, Jim Silke, William Stout and Bruce Timm. Most exhibit within just a few isles of us. Stop by our booth #5019 and we can give you directions to where each person is located.

Terry has his new Bombshells 6 sketchbook available at his booth, the space in which he shares with Aaron Lopresti.  We’ll have copies of Bombshells 6 available on our Flesk store shortly after the show.



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
text and photos copyright 2012 John Fleskes. All rights reserved.

Comic-Con International in San Diego

Friday at Comic-Con. Flesk Booth #5019

Today there is a special panel focusing on the 75 Anniversary of Prince Valiant. Gary Gianni and Mark Schultz will take part. It runs from 3:30-4:30 in room 8.


The Artists’ Way, 11:00-12:00PM, Room 23ABC
Panelists include Tim Bradstreet, Gary Gianni, Joe Jusko, Jim Silke, Thomas Yeates, and Mark Schultz.

We also have copies of our book, The Prince Valiant Page at our booth. Each coy comes signed by Gary Gianni and has a special signed bookplate exclusive from Flesk.

Be sure to check at our booth for special signing times with Phil Hale. Phil took part in our Spectrum Fantastic Art Live! commemorative art book collection, featuring the art of Android Jones, Brom, Iain McCaig, Hale and Mike Mignola. Mike is also at the show just a few isles from us.



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
text and photos copyright 2012 John Fleskes. All rights reserved.

Comic-Con International in San Diego

Thursday at Comic-Con. Flesk Panel today, and Mark Schultz and Jim Silke Spotlight Panels.

Today we have a few panels. Starting at 10:00 AM in room 32AB is our Flesk panel. Here’s the details.

Flesk: Celebrating a Decade of Publishing

Visit with the Flesk team and a quartet of legendary artists for a personal and entertaining hour. Join publisher, John Fleskes, Terry Dodson (Defenders, Uncanny X-Men), Mark Schultz (Xenozoic), Jim Silke (Jungle Girls, Jim Silke Sketchbook) and William Stout (Hallucinations, Inspirations) and moderator Jonathan Leveck (Flesk’s Director of Operations), as they look back on ten years of Flesk’s line of quality books promoting comics and graphic novels, fantasy, illustration, pinup and fine arts fields. In addition, Flesk will announce its exciting line of new titles coming out in the fall of 2012 and provide a glimpse into their 2013 schedule.

Then a little later is:

Spotlight on Mark Schultz. Thursday from 12:30-1:30 in room 4. I’ll be a part of this panel with Mark.

And also:

Spotlight on Jim Silke. Thursday 2:00-3:00 in room 9.

And while you’re at it, be sure to swing by our booth #5019 to pick up your free Flesk postcard set featuring the art of Stout, Gianni, Schultz, Silke, Dodson, Bruce Timm and Craig Elliott. All seven gentlemen are at the show and you can get your postcards signed by all of them.



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
text and photos copyright 2012 John Fleskes. All rights reserved.

Comic-Con International in San Diego