What’s going on at Flesk? The June 2012 Update

Three projects are taking up most of my time at the moment.

New Flesk Website

The first is wrapping up the new Flesk website. Outside of a few new features currently being built by the designer, the site is nearly ready to go live. I am very happy with how it is turning out and hope you will all enjoy the new look as much as I do.

Jim Silke Sketchbook

I am working with Jim Silke to wrap up the first volume of his new Sketchbook series. I have designed books 1 & 2 and sent print outs to Jim for his feedback. He is reviewing the pair. He is also writing captions and an introduction for volume one. Once I receive Jim’s thoughts and text, I should be able to complete volume one within a few weeks. Then, we’ll have volume two primed and close to being ready so when we are ready to publish it the work involved will be minimal. I’ll announce the full details and schedule for volume 1 once it is complete. I prefer waiting to announce a street date, allowing the book to dictate its release date rather than a schedule. I don’t like being rushed and like to take my time to make books just right. Good thing I’m the boss and don’t have to be told when to be done.
James Bama: Personal Works

The next book that is near completion is “James Bama: Personal Works.” I designed 110 pages of the 128 page book quite a while ago. The delay has been me trying to find the time to focus in writing the essay for the book. I have an ambitious piece I want to present. I say ambitious since the word count is quite a bit higher than I normally write—actually it’s the longest piece I’ve written. Most of my pieces are 500-1500 words. This one, at the moment is 6900 words. Yesterday it was 9300 words. I’ve been hacking it down as much as possible. Finding the time to focus on this essay has been a challenge. But now, I’ve got a good rhythm going and hope to complete my second draft in July sometime. I expect the book to be available in or around November.
Other News

I have an Edwin Austin Abbey book sitting on the shelf. It’s been gathering dust for many months. The core of the nearly 200 page book is designed and done. What is needed is time to write a piece for the book. I don’t want to force the book. It’ll happen whenever it does. My energies are more geared towards living artists at the moment.

I have two new artist collections to announce. One is with an artist I have worked with before, the other is someone new. Both are exciting. I’ll either announce them just before Comic-Con or at our Flesk panel during the show. I haven’t decided yet. I’ll share the news soon though.



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
text and photos copyright 2012 John Fleskes. All rights reserved.

James Bama: Personal Works

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