What’s New With Mark Schultz and Flesk? Looking For Xenozoic Originals.

I visited with Mark Schultz a few weeks ago. We went over the details for three books, two of which will appear in 2013. I’ll start off talking about the books first, and then I have a request for your help to find and scan Schultz Xenozoic Tales originals for two stories.

The “Xenozoic” cover for the first printing.

The recently sold out Xenozoic complete collection is the first book we discussed. Outside of the few dozen copies I have for direct sale from the Flesk website (a handful of which are signed by Mark Schultz and the introduction writer, Craig Elliott, at no extra charge) the book is out of stock. We both want to continue keeping this collection in print, and we will have a new printing available by next summer. As a bonus, Mark is working on a new cover.

The second book we talked about is the new Various Drawings. Mark suggested starting a new series instead of focusing on Various Drawings Volume Six. He raised the importance of reinventing the series while it is doing very well for us, to keep the books fresh. I was open, and before long we had a new series planned. We will be increasing the dimensions to 9 x 12 inches, and creating a new title and new design and look to the series. We also will be adding a second gatefold to the book. Mark has created enough material to fill the first volume. We’ll be working on the book over the next few months and have it ready for summer 2013.

“Storms at Sea” was originally announced in 2008 with this promotional poster.

The third book is the long talked about Storms at Sea. We are both well aware that we said this book would be out a few years ago, but Mark didn’t realize the process he is using for the works for Storms at Sea would take as long as it has. It will be worth the wait. I will not share a release date until the final piece is completed. I’ve seen what Mark has finished so far, and the art is stunning!

Xenozoic Scans, we need your help!

In our current Xenozoic collection, there are only two stories not reproduced from the original art. (We used proofs.) The originals for two stories were let go years ago before scanning technology was available to preserve the art for future use. We are trying to find the originals to get fresh scans. The following is a list of the pages needed. If you can help us locate the art, please send me (John) an email at info@fleskpublications.com. We would be privileged to include you in the acknowledgments page and get you a complimentary copy of the book.

Splash page for “The Rules of the Game”

The first story is “The Rules of the Game.” This 10-page story was inked by Steve Stiles. It was originally published in Xenozoic Tales #2 from Kitchen Sink in 1987.

Splash page for “Green Air”

The second story we are looking for is “Green Air.” This is an 11-page story originally published in Xenozoic Tales #6 in 1988. I noticed that this story was auctioned at Heritage Auctions in 2009. Heritage was kind enough to provide us with the scans in their archives, but unfortunately they are too small and will not work for the size I would like to reproduce them at. The story was split up, and most likely the pages are owned by multiple individuals.

We would also like to locate any Xenozoic Tales stories drawn by Steve Stiles. These served as backup stories to the original Xenozoic Tales series written by Mark Schultz and published by Kitchen Sink Comics. Here is a list.

“The Road not Taken,” Xenozoic Tales #3 – 8 pages
“Postal Service,” Xenozoic Tales #4 – 8 pages
“Dog’s Life,” Xenozoic Tales #5 – 8 pages
“Intrusion,” Xenozoic Tales #6 – 8 pages
“Crossed Currents,” Xenozoic Tales #7 – 8 pages
“Foul Weather,” Xenozoic Tales #8 – 8 pages
“The Aqueduct,” Xenozoic Tales #9 – 8 pages
“Fields of Expertise,” Xenozoic Tales #10 – 8 pages
“Report From the Resistance,” Xenozoic Tales #11 – 8 pages
“A Woman’s Work…,” Xenozoic Tales #12 – 8 pages

Any help is appreciated!



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
Art copyright © 2012 Mark Schultz. Used with permission. Text copyright © 2012 John Fleskes. All rights reserved.

Mark Schultz books from Flesk Publications

Craig Elliott Portrait Painting Demonstration at APE

Craig Elliott demonstrated a live portrait painting utilizing a live model at the Alternative Press Expo on Sunday, October 14, 2012. This was done at my Flesk Publications booth and ran from 1:00 to 5:00 pm. I took a series of pictures, a few of which I would like to share.

Craig Elliott begins his painting. We filmed the entire demonstration which we will turn into a time-lapse video and share on the Flesk publications website soon.
Mark Schultz (at right) puts himself into the position of student. The best artists never stop learning.
A big thanks to Carlye Pollack for modelling for Craig!
The view looking over Craig’s shoulder.
Craig answered questions and discussed his execution for over four hours.
Craig in the creative zone.
Craig layering paint to form an image.
A view from the front of our booth.

Carlye, the finished portrait and Craig.
The finished piece.



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
text copyright © 2012 Flesk Publications. All rights reserved.

“The Art of Craig Elliott” from Flesk Publications
Craig Elliott website


Warren Chang Portrait Painting Demonstration Pictures

Warren Chang gave a free portrait painting demonstration yesterday at the Pacific Grove Art Center in Pacific Grove, CA. Warren took questions during the session providing the viewers with an intimate experience of his approach to painting.

I took pictures throughout the process, which I am sharing here. Jonathan Leveck came with me and we also filmed and recorded sound of his demonstration for a future time-lapse video that we will post on the Flesk Publications website once we get a chance to put it together.

Warren Chang begins his portrait demonstration.
Warren lays down the foundation of his painting.
In the background, Warren brought his latest painting and a few of his previous paintings from the live model to share.
A view from a few rows back. At one point 45 people were in attendance. Note how Warren tones his canvas to match the background color behind the model.
The painting at the half-way point.
Warren’s toolbox.
Looking over Warren’s shoulder.

Warren putting on the final touches.
The finished portrait.

Warren will be giving a  3 day workshop on January 6-8, 2013 at the Pacific Grove Art Center. Those interested can visit Warren Chang’s website for more information.



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
text copyright © 2012 Flesk Publications. All rights reserved.

Warren Chang website
“Warren Chang: Narrative Paintings” book from Flesk Publications