Petar Meseldžija’s Trip to IlluxCon 2010, with Photos!

Petar Meseldžija sent me a handful of pictures from his trip to IlluxCon on November 11-14, 2010 that he offered for me to share on my blog. He let me know he sold the thirty copies of The Legend of Steel Bashaw that I sent him for the event in the first hour and a half. He also sold all of the copies of the Serbian edition of “Steel Bashaw,” and many of the originals he brought along!

The following photos illustrate the pleasure he had in meeting with many fellow artists. The caption for each picture is written by Petar.

Photos © 2010 Petar Meseldžija

Petar at Justin Gerard’s booth
Petar at Justin Gerard’s booth
Trying to find the right words - in front of Donato’s booth. (Donato at right)
Trying to find the right words - in front of Donato’s booth. (Donato at right)
Greg Hilderbrandt painting at his booth
Greg Hilderbrandt painting at his booth
At Petar’s Showcase table with Jean Bantly watching over it.
At Petar’s Showcase table with Jean Bantly watching over it.
Meditating on the meaning of Art and it’s uncertain future. (From left to right: Pat Wilshire, Dan Dos Santos, Morgan Bantly, Justin Gerard and Petar Meseldzija)
Meditating on the meaning of Art and it’s uncertain future. (From left to right: Pat Wilshire, Dan Dos Santos, Morgan Bantly, Justin Gerard and Petar Meseldzija)
Happy moment 1. (Left to right: Jean Scrocco, Greg Hilderbrandt, Petar and Anita)
Happy moment 1. (Left to right: Jean Scrocco, Greg Hilderbrandt, Petar and Anita)
Happy moment 2. Giving money to Larry McDougall after buying one of his enchanting watercolor paintings. (Left to right: Anita, Jean, Petar, Pat Ann and Larry)
Happy moment 2. Giving money to Larry McDougall after buying one of his enchanting watercolor paintings. (Left to right: Anita, Jean, Petar, Pat Ann and Larry)
On his way to IlluxCon Petar poses with one of his Tarzan originals next to a Harold Foster Tarzan original. Photo © 2010 Mark Schultz
On his way to IlluxCon Petar poses with one of his Tarzan originals next to a Harold Foster Tarzan original. Photo © 2010 Mark Schultz


John Fleskes
Flesk Publications