Wishing You all Well!

Hi everyone,

With everything that is going on right now, I wanted to reach out to you and wish you all well. I hope that you and your family and friends are safe and healthy. 

We’re all doing good here. Kathy, Vicky and I are working from our respective homes while we are sheltered in place.

What does this mean for us at Flesk Publications? We can run the business from home with the one exception of mailing packages on a daily basis. For the time being we have limited our shipping to once per week until we are given permission by the city to resume our office operations. Only essential businesses are allowed to continue to operate at the moment. Health services, grocery stores and gas stations are examples of essential businesses. Thank you for your patience as our online orders ship slower than usual until the city gives us the safety clearance.

The health of our community, our friends, and our families takes precedence during this time. We’re doing our part by staying at home to respect the ordinance and to refrain from inadvertently adding to the problem.

During our shelter in place we will use this time to pour all our energy into being creative and to working with our artist friends. It’s our goal to use this time of sheltering to make some beautiful new books, including Spectrum 27, a new Arthur Adams collection, and our first big book that highlights Rachel and Terry Dodson. We look forward to sharing these new titles with you once we get through this unprecedented situation.

The Art of Frank Cho is at the printer. It’s too early to tell if there will be any delays with the book, but we will get through this incredibly challenging time and everything will be ok.

From Kathy, Vicky, Lauren and myself here at Flesk, and from Frank, we wish for you and your family to be safe and secure and hope that you all come out of this situation healthy. We’re grateful to all of you for your support over the years. You have given us this gift of being able to publish art books. We can’t thank you enough.

With our best wishes.


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Text copyright © 2020 John Fleskes. Photos and videos © 2020 John Fleskes / Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2020 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.