The complete list of artist names selected for inclusion into the twenty-sixth volume of Spectrum: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art is now available!
The five member jury selected over 600 works works by 335 artists that will make up Spectrum 26. These creators that work in every style and medium–both traditional and digital–represent the finest in the fantasy, horror, science fiction and the surreal genres from around the world. You will find top industry names who serve as the current definition of excellence and discover the rising stars who are being published for the first time.
Individual emails to those artists accepted will begin to go out this week. Full details regarding the next steps will be provided.
From everyone here at the Spectrum and Flesk offices, we would like to thank all of the artists who submitted to Spectrum 26. We couldn’t do what we do without your support. This includes putting out the Spectrum annual each year, organizing and running the Spectrum Fantastic Art Live event, putting on the Spectrum Awards Ceremony where we hand out the Spectrum awards, and making the artist feature videos that we post online. You have our most sincere gratitude. Thank you!
Rob Alexander
Sara Alfageeh
Alex Alice
Evan Amundsen
Eren Arik
Tommy Arnold
Fian Arroyo
Daren Bader
Kathryn Beesley
Douglas Bell
Julie Bell
Steve Belledin
Julie Benbassat
Audrey Benjaminsen
Ed Binkley
Steven Russell Black
Chelsea Blecha
Jori Bolton
Paul Bonner
Zoltan Boros
Noah Bradley
Andy Brase
David Brasgalla
Bruce Brenneise
Lane Brown
Thomas Haller Buchanan
Christopher Burdett
Kirt Burdick
Wesley Burt
Chris Buzelli
Rovina Cai
Thomas Campi
Antonio JavierCaparo
Bill Carman
Kai Carpenter
Allan-Diego Carrasco
Robert Carter
Leslie Casilli
Clint Cearley
Milivoj Ceran
Sidharth Chaturvedi
Lynn Chen
Marcos Chin
Frank Cho
Yongjae Choi
Jehan Choo
Dylan Choonhachat
Alex Chow
Dan Chudzinski
Christina Chung
Sebastian Ciaffaglione
Hasani Claxton
Miguel Co
J.A.W. Cooper
Matthew J. Corcoran
Stephanie Cost
Sarah Dahlinger
Jessica Dalva
Paul Davidson
Olivia De Berardinis
Andrea De Dominicis
Peter de Steve
Bastien Lecouffe Deharme
Julien Delval
Kring Demetrio
Jieyu Deng
Luc Desmarchelier
Mark Dewes
Peter Diamond
Anna Dittmann
Daniel Dociu
Andrew Domachowski
Dan dos Santos
Allen Douglas
Pierre Droal
Chris Dunn
Jesper Ejsing
Craig Elliott
Rudy Ellis
Micah Epstein
Crystal Fae
Rita Fei
Lyli Feng
Diego Fernandez
Thomas Fluharty
Jessica Fong
Jon Foster
Cosimo Galluzzi
Reinier Gamboa
Su Gao
Axel Rangel Garcia
Caroline Gariba
Shaun Gentry
Annie Stegg Gerard
Justin Gerard
Donato Giancola
Lamnho Giang
Gary Gianni
E. M. Gist
Anke Gladnick
Cory Godbey
Kevin Zamir Goeke
Oleksiy Golovchenko
Lucas Graciano
David Greco
Nicholas Gregory
Julia Griffin
James Gurney
Scott Gustafson
Mary Haasdyk
Brian Haberlin
Marie-Alice Harel
Dwayne Harris
Michael C. Hayes
Alex Herrerias
Stephen Hickman
Cleonique Hilsaca
Michael Hirshon
Alexandra Hodgson
Sijia Hong
John Howe
Limei Z. Hshieh
Te Hu
Lu Hua
Robert Hunt
Lake Hurwitz
Frazer Irving
Tyler Jacobson
Mate Jako
He Jie (Mona)
Jaime Jones
Romain Jouandeau
Will Kalkanis
MinJung Kang
KARAKTER Design Studio
Gomesh Karnchanapayap
Sam Keiser
Priscilla Kim
Edward Kinsella III
Nic Klein
Chris Knight
Fernanders Koak Chan Sam
Julian Kok
Paul Komoda
Alex Konstad
Michael Kontraros
Valentin Kopetzki
Bartosz Kosowski
Konstantin Marinov Kostadinov
Maxim Kozhevnikov
Svetlana Kudakova
Guido Kuip
Sudarshan Kumar
Anita Kunz
Eelis Kyttanen
Luis Lasahido
Mathieu Lauffray
Ronan LE FUR a.k.a DOFRESH
G-host Lee
Doug Lefler
Elizabeth Leggett
Vanessa Lemen
Andrew Leung
Meagan Lillich
Carlyn Lim
Jason Liu
Todd Lockwood
John Loren
Yoann Lossel
Travis Louie
Jeffrey Alan Love
Ashly Lovett
Howard Lyon
Lawrence MacDougall
Elliot Mallon
Greg Manchess
Qiuxin Mao
Victor Marin
Matteo Marjoram
James Martin
Juan Pablo Corredor Martinez
Patrick Masson
Victor Maury
Iain McCaig
Seb Mckinnon
Tara McPherson
Miranda Meeks
Gustavo Mendonca
Eddie Mendoza
Petar Meseldzija
Brett Mich
Victor Adame Minguez
Danny Moll
Ivan Montoya
Allen Morris
Sarah Morris
Jason Mowry
Iris Muddy
Meris Mullaley
Reiko Murakami
Scott Murphy
Sean Andrew Murray
Muhammad Mustafa
David Auden Nash
Alexandru Negoita
Greg Newbold
Mark Newman
Yin Shian Ng
Victo Ngai
Tran Nguyen
Terese Nielsen
Irina Nordsol
Tim O’Brien
Takeshi Oga
Ben Oliver
Yuta Onoda
Gal Or
Roberto Ribeiro Padula
JJ Palencar
David Palumbo
Ryan Pancoast
Dustin Panzino
Richard Pellegrino
Lucas Pina Penichet
Eric Pfeiffer
Ismael Pinteno
Alessandra Pisano
Colin Poole
John Powell
Brian Pratt
George Pratt
Luisa J. Preissler
Jeff Preston
Theo Prins
Shan Qiao
Andrea Radeck
Chris Rahn
Henrique Rainha
Chris Rallis
S. W. Rand
Omar Rayyan
Corinne Reid
Rob Rey
Wayne Reynolds
Brad Rigney
Aaron Riley
Pablo Rivera
Zack Rock
Virginie Ropars
Jakub Rozalski
Feifei Ruan
Steve Rude
Tim Von Rueden
Shawn E. Russell
Greg Ruth
Oliver Ryan
James Ryman
Leonardo Santamaria
Dominick Saponaro
Rafael Sarmento
Phil Saunders
Christopher Schenck
Paul Scheruebel
Mark Schultz
Audre Schutte ‘Charamath’
Danny Schwartz
David R. Seeley
Arantza Sestayo
Cynthia Sheppard
Yuko Shimizu
Jessica Shirley
Kaysha Siemens
Douglas Stanat
John Stanko
Stephen Stark
Matthew Stewart
Alex Stone
Chase Stone
William Stout
Paul Sullivan
Shaun Tan
Stacy Tang
Abe Taraky
Ken Taylor
John Tedrick
Thom Tenery
Kyriakos Theodossiou
Andrew Theophilopoulos
Allison Theus
Viktor Titov
Paul Tobin
Anthony Trujillo
Gavin Gray Valentine
Francis Vallejo
Randy Vargas
Svetlin Velinov
Erin Vest
Armando Veve
Beatriz Martin Vidal
Magali Villeneuve
Johannes Voss
David Wachter
Yiyi Wang
Zhengyi Wang
Tatsang Wang
Marisa Ware
Jonathan Way$hak
Owen William Weber
Sam Weber
David Thorn Wenzel
Taylor Wessling
Sam White
Allen Williams
Jeremy Wilson
Stijn Windig
Rob Wood
Sam Woodfin
Ben Wootten
Bayard Wu
Zi Xu
Joy Yang
Kieran Yanner
Lixin Yin
Chieh Ying Yu
Mark Zahaczewsky
Eytan Zana
Amir Zand
Luye Zhang
Aaron Zonka
Thanks again everyone!
With our very best,
John and Kathy
Flesk Publications
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Spectrum Fantastic Art
Spectrum Fantastic Art Live
Spectrum Fantastic Art Live on Facebook
Text copyright © 2019 John Fleskes. Photos and videos © 2019 John Fleskes / Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2018 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.