I’ve made some updates to the Flesk Publications Online store.
Our upcoming book, Warren Chang: Narrative Paintings is now available for a special pre-order price. The book ships in mid-January. Click here for book details.
Reveries by Terry Dodson is back in stock. Click here to order.
I’ve made a new section on the Flesk store listing books by publisher friends of mine. To start I have copies of two titles from Dan Zimmer at The Illustrated Press (The same publisher that brings you Illustration Magazine).
H.J. Ward by David Saunders. Click here for full book details and to order.
Masters of American Illustration: 41 Illustrators and How They Work by Fred Taraba. Click here for full book details and to order.
I’ll be adding more titles to this store section in the months to come.
I also put up three original sketches by Adam Hughes up on Ebay. I bought a sketchbook by Hughes back in 2001 and have decided to sell off a few pieces. Here are images of the three pieces. Click on them to be taken to the Ebay auction, which ends on Sunday, December 4. All proceeds go towards future Flesk books. My Ebay user ID is “fleskpublications”
Be on the lookout for a new blog coming soon showing samples from the upcoming Bruce Timm book. I received my sample copies and am anxious to provide a sneak peak. It looks amazing!
John Fleskes
Flesk Publications