Line of Beauty: The Art of Wendy Pini Update

Hi, everyone,

The advance sample copy of Line of Beauty: The Art of Wendy Pini is here!

This is possibly the greatest gift that I have ever seen presented from a husband to a wife. I watched Richard Pini pour all of his energy into this book for months. This is the culmination of years of planning and organizing to make this book a reality. Today, Richard had the joyful moment to present a copy to Wendy.

The books will be arriving with us in a few weeks when we will begin shipping them to our supporters. Thanks to everyone for your patience while this book was finished, and to Richard and Wendy Pini for the opportunity to work with you on these three stunning and marvelous books (including Art of Elfquest and Elfquest: The Art of the Story for those out of the loop) that highlight Wendy and her art!



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Text and photos copyright © 2017 John Fleskes. Videos © 2017 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2017 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.


There’s just two days left to be a part of Joe DeVito’s Kickstarter event. His King Kong of Skull Island book will be published by DeVito ArtWorks.

King Kong of Skull Island contains the long awaited expansion of Joe’s original 1992 creation, Skull Island. King Kong of Skull Island will open with The Denham Diaries, which will be followed by a novel in two parts: Part 1: Exodus and Part 2: The Wall, all co-written by Joe DeVito and Brad Strickland. The book will feature lush, full color interior art and an extensive sketchbook section written and lavishly illustrated by DeVito.

Link to Kickstarter campaign.

A Note of Thanks

Hi, everyone,

Over these last few weeks I’ve been grateful to hear the excitement and to see the thank you posts from the artists who were selected for inclusion into Spectrum. This has come in the form of Instagram and Facebook posts, through email, and in a few cases directly in person.

When someone takes the time to write and thank us it goes a long way. It gives us a boost and encourages us to keep working hard for this community.

Kathy and I work throughout the day in relative seclusion in our office where we are interacting with 300 artist’s for the book and an additional 150 or so more for the Spectrum Fantastic Art Live event. It is a monumental task that can be tough at times due to the shear amount of work that we need to accomplish within a given time frame.

But, this would be much harder if not for the support, the good vibes, the thank you messages and help you all give us. Even the slightest praise goes a long way.

Between now and Spectrum Fantastic Art Live, Kathy and I will be in the trenches of preparations for the show. Along with our Spectrum founders Cathy and Arnie Fenner, and the core SFAL helpers and many volunteers, we aim to make this the best event we have ever held the honor of hosting. Nothing of any true value is done alone. This is all the result of all of us working together and helping one another.

I just wanted to give everyone a high five, a fist bump, pat on the back and a giant group hug of thanks!



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Spectrum Fantastic Art Live on Facebook

Text and photos copyright © 2017 John Fleskes. Videos © 2017 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2017 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.


There’s just over a week left to be a part of Joe DeVito’s Kickstarter event. His King Kong of Skull Island book will be published by DeVito ArtWorks.

King Kong of Skull Island contains the long awaited expansion of Joe’s original 1992 creation, Skull Island. King Kong of Skull Island will open with The Denham Diaries, which will be followed by a novel in two parts: Part 1: Exodus and Part 2: The Wall, all co-written by Joe DeVito and Brad Strickland. The book will feature lush, full color interior art and an extensive sketchbook section written and lavishly illustrated by DeVito.

Link to Kickstarter campaign.

There’s an early bird option of the book that can be purchased at a reduced price along with many other pledge options. Full details can be seen by following the link below.

Spectrum Book Signing at Sketchpad Gallery Today!

Today is the big day! See you all at the Spectrum book signing at the Sketchpad Gallery in San Francisco.

I’ve loaded up the truck with books and included a free gift to give away to whoever shows up (100 available). To find out what it is you’ll need to show up.

The Spectrum book signing event at Sketchpad Gallery will be held at Sketchpad Gallery in San Francisco, today from 4:00 to 7:00p.m.

Please visit our Facebook event page for more details.

We hope to see you there!



Flesk Publications
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Spectrum Fantastic Art Live
Spectrum Fantastic Art Live on Facebook

Text and photos copyright © 2017 John Fleskes. Videos © 2017 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2017 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.


There’s just two weeks left to be a part of Joe DeVito’s Kickstarter event his King Kong of Skull Island book published by DeVito ArtWorks.

King Kong of Skull Island contains the long awaited expansion of Joe’s original 1992 creation, Skull Island. King Kong of Skull Island will open with The Denham Diaries, which will be followed by a novel in two parts: Part 1: Exodus and Part 2: The Wall, all co-written by Joe DeVito and Brad Strickland. The book will feature lush, full color interior art and an extensive sketchbook section written and lavishly illustrated by DeVito.

Link to Kickstarter campaign.

There’s an early bird option of the book that can be purchased at a reduced price along with many other pledge options. Full details can be seen by following the link below.


John Fleskes Video Update #7

Hi everyone,

My latest video update is here! Kathy asked me questions about the Spectrum book signing event this weekend, what books we are working on, Spectrum Fantastic Art Live and the Spectrum Awards ceremony, as well as details about the Stoke Out charity event for fall 2017.

One cut, one take, totally unscripted. Kathy sits me down and gets me talking!



Flesk Publications
Flesk Publications on Facebook
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Spectrum Fantastic Art Live
Spectrum Fantastic Art Live on Facebook

Text and photos copyright © 2017 John Fleskes. Videos © 2017 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2017 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.

Spectrum Book Signing Event at Sketchpad Gallery in San Francisco, California!

Hi, everyone,
We’re just over one week away from the Spectrum Book Signing Event at Sketchpad Gallery in San Francisco, California!
We will be having a Spectrum book signing event held at Sketchpad Gallery in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, March 18th from 4:00 to 7:00p.m. So far we have a dozen confirmed artists who will be appearing to sign your book including Steven Russell Black, Te Hu, Kellan Jett, Randy Gallegos, Michael Manomivibul, Paolo Rivera, Dug Stanat, Josh Viers, Chris Koehler, Jonathan Wayshak, Tiffany Turrill and Alyssa Winans.
We hope you can come join us to celebrate Spectrum’s 23rd year of releasing the premier showcase for imaginative fantastic arts in the book, comic, film, horror, illustration, sculpture, conceptual art, fine art and videogame genres. Meet the exceptional and talented artists whose works are featured in the books.
Refreshments will be provided.



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Spectrum Fantastic Art Live
Spectrum Fantastic Art Live on Facebook

Text and photos copyright © 2017 John Fleskes. Videos © 2017 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2017 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.

The Spectrum 24 Artist List!

Hi everyone,

The official Spectrum 24 Artist List has been posted!

The complete list of artist names selected for inclusion into the twenty-fourth volume of Spectrum: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art is now available!

The five member jury selected nearly 500 works by 297 artists that will make up Spectrum 24. These creators that work in every style and medium–both traditional and digital–represent the finest in the fantasy, horror, science fiction and the surreal genres from around the world. You will find top industry names who serve as the current definition of excellence and discover the rising stars who are being published for the first time.

Please click here to view the list, then click on the “Artist” tab:

Individual emails to those artists accepted will begin to go out this week. Full details regarding the next steps will be provided.

From everyone here at the Spectrum and Flesk offices, we would like to thank all of the artists who submitted to Spectrum 24. We couldn’t do what we do without your support. This includes putting out the Spectrum annual each year, organizing and running the Spectrum Fantastic Art Live event, putting on the Spectrum Awards Ceremony where we hand out the Spectrum awards, and making the artist feature videos that we post online.

You have our most sincere gratitude. Thank you!



Flesk Publications
Flesk Publications on Facebook
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Spectrum Fantastic Art Live
Spectrum Fantastic Art Live on Facebook

Text and photos copyright © 2017 John Fleskes. Videos © 2017 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2017 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.

Spectrum 24 Award Nominations

The jury for Spectrum 24: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art has nominated the top five artworks in eight categories for consideration for either a silver and gold award. Judges Christian Alzmann, Laurie Lee Brom, Mark Newman, Victo Ngai and John Picacio debated the merits of hundreds of pieces of art before finalizing this list on Saturday, February 25, 2017 at the Flesk Publications offices in Santa Cruz, California.

Established in 1993 by Cathy and Arnie Fenner, the first Spectrum annual appeared in 1994 from Underwood Books; for nearly a quarter of a century it has attracted participants from around the world and has set the standards for excellence in fantasy and science fiction art. John Fleskes became the Director and Publisher of Spectrum in 2014 with volume 21.

The recipients will be announced at the Spectrum 24 Awards Ceremony that will be held at the historic Folly Theater in Kansas City, MO on Saturday, April 22 as part of the art-focused convention, Spectrum Fantastic Art Live. The 2017 Spectrum Grand Master Award honoree will also be announced during the ceremony.

For more information about Spectrum visit:

Congratulations to all of the artists who have been nominated!


Kellan Jett

Kellan Jett
Hell (detail)

Edward Kinsella III

Edward Kinsella III
Carnival of Souls

Bill Mayer

Bill Mayer

Greg Ruth

Greg Ruth

Bayard Wu

Bayard Wu


Richard Anderson

Richard Anderson
Red Tide

Tommy Arnold

Tommy Arnold
On the Wheel



Edward Kinsella III

Edward Kinsella III

Goni Montes

Goni Montes


Arthur Adams

Arthur Adams
Guardians of the Galaxy #19 (cover)

Nic Klein

Nic Klein
Drifter #13, pages 8 and 9

Dave McKean

Dave McKean
Black Dog: The Dreams of Paul Nash

David Palumbo

David Palumbo
Swallowed Whole

Jeremy Wilson

Jeremy Wilson
Chimera Brigade #5


Te Hu

Te Hu
Secret of Seda

Tyler Jacobson

Tyler Jacobson
Hill Giant Queen

Ronan Le Fur

Ronan Le Fur
Fortress Africa

Iain McCaig

Iain McCaig
Minion 5

Sean Murray

Sean Murray
Court of the Dead: Voxxingard




Amilcar Fong

Amilcar Fong
Oglavaeil The Executioner

Virginie Ropars

Virginie Ropars

Dug Stanat

Dug Stanat
The Corruption of Father O’Malley

Jesse Thompson

Jesse Thompson
Dress-Up Frog Legs


Clint Cearley

Clint Cearley
Broken Concentration

Galen Dara

Galen Dara
Seven Salt Tears

Tran Nguyen

Tran Nguyen
La Beaute Sans Vertu

Tim O’Brien

Tim O’Brien
Beyonce “Lemonade”

Armando Veve

Armando Veve
War Music


Ed Binkley

Ed Binkley
William Finds Some Flowers and a Giant

Wesley Burt

Wesley Burt
Accursed Witch

Bill Carman

Bill Carman
Ms. Hatter and a Smile

Travis Louie

Travis Louie
Mojo Jojo Circa 1897

Stephan Martiniere

Stephan Martiniere
Tie Fighter Down


J.A.W. Cooper

J.A.W. Cooper

Diego Fernandez

Diego Fernandez

Jeffrey Alan Love

Jeffrey Alan Love
Orange Skies

Karla Ortiz

Karla Ortiz
The Death I Bring

Greg Ruth

Greg Ruth




Flesk Publications
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Spectrum Fantastic Art
Spectrum Fantastic Art Live
Spectrum Fantastic Art Live on Facebook

Text and photos copyright © 2017 John Fleskes. Videos © 2017 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2017 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.