Flesk January 2025 Upcoming Book Updates

Hello, everyone,

We’re just one week away from launching our new Jeffrey Alan Love Kickstarter campaign. This event is to celebrate Jeff’s new graphic novel, The Last Battle at the End of the World. There will be a hardcover and a deluxe signed hardcover available. We are also releasing expanded editions of Notes From the Shadowed City and The Thousand Demon Tree. All three books will include a behind the scenes section that features sketches and commentary revealing how each book was made. The campaign will launch next Tuesday, February 4th at 9:00AM PST. We have a pre-launch page online where you can click on the “Notify me on launch” button. We’ll also send out a newsletter reminder that morning.

In other news, we returned from a short trip to the LA area last Sunday evening. It has been heartbreaking to see how the fires continue to affect people in certain areas. William Stout and his wife were evacuated at one point. They are safe and back in their house. We were glad to see the rain on Saturday and Sunday while we were there.

We had a nice get-together with Bruce Timm where we went over the second round of his new book together. Bruce’s original art is so valuable at this point that we stopped mailing packages years ago. Since we make a handful of trips to the LA area each year, we make a point to pick up and drop off material as we pass through. This is my favorite method since we can take our time photographing and scanning the art at home. Once the new material is organized, I drop the pieces into the appropriate book (we’re currently jugging three different themed books) and tighten up the book maps. Once I’m happy with the latest revision I print out a hard copy for Bruce and hand write or type any thoughts or notes that may be useful for him to see. I then mail this copy to Bruce. During our next visit I pick it back up from him. The printout will have his notes and sketch guides written and drawn all throughout to help guide the next revision. I have the second revision for one book in my hands. I will begin to make the appropriate improvements over the next few weeks. Bruce is an absolute joy to work with. He’s always pushing to improve the books, while being easygoing and thoughtful with his communication. We’ll keep going back and forth like this until a book is done. As soon as we are done with the first title, I’ll announce what it is. I’ll give you one themed book hint… HORROR.

On another topic, I had a few productive days working on the Daniel Warren Johnson book last week. I emailed and talked with Dan to fine tune the final art picks for his collection. There are a few recently completed pieces that we slipped into the book. I’m doing a little shuffling around to adjust the flow slightly. I tend to come up with new ideas often. It’s not unusual for me to make small or drastic changes all throughout the book map and design process. I’ve been having some recorded conversations with Dan to ask questions. I capture the relevant portions of our talks that I then transcribe into commentary. I send off the text to Dan who gives his words a final look to make sure his voice is captured correctly. I then insert the commentary on the relevant page. The artists like this method since they can draw while we talk, and they don’t have to write anything. I never plan my questions. Instead, we let the conversation go in any direction. In this way we get interesting and natural dialogue for the book.

I’m also working out some details with the printer for the two new Tran Nguyen books, Ambedo and Spectres. And I’m doing the same with the Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea revised art book by Mike Mignola and Gary Gianni. These details include obtaining the pricing, reviewing and ordering paper, and looking into some production options. This lets us review our budget, set the cover price for the books, fine tune the release schedules, and gather the final details for when we officially promote and offer the book to you all. This is typically a 2-3 week process depending on how much specialty work goes into the book. I have ongoing conversations with Tran, Gary and Mike to keep them up to date and to get their input and approval on everything. All our books are a collaboration and involve a lot of communication.

Besides the three Love books, the two Tran titles, the Gianni/Mignola collection, the DWJ and B.T. books, we still have the three-volume William Stout Comics set on the schedule to be released late this year. This Stout collection is stunning. I can’t wait to tell you more about it.

2025 will be our best year yet! We already have our 2026 and 2027 schedules mapped out as well. We are not considering taking on any new books or artists for the next five years. This is how long it will take for us to get fully caught up on all the upcoming books that are on our existing plate. I’m grateful that we are in this position. Thank you for supporting us so that we can continue. 



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Text copyright © 2025 John Fleskes. Photos by Vicky Lien and John Fleskes and © 2025 . Videos © 2025 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2025 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

Upcoming Events and Artist Appearances

Murder Falcon artwork by Daniel Warren Johnson

Upcoming Events and Artist Appearances


Brynn Metheney will be exhibiting at Monsterpalooza this weekend in Pasadena, California. We will be announcing the details about Brynn’s first book from Flesk soon! You can visit Brynn at this show to see her amazing art in person.

Wendy Pini–Celebrating 45 years of Elfquest!

Did you know that 2023 marks the 45th year anniversary of Elfquest? So exciting! Richard and Wendy Pini are making some appearances this year to celebrate. To start, Wendy will be appearing all three days at áyA Con this June 9-11, 2023. This event is located at the McNichols Civic Center Building in Denver, Colorado.

Heroes Con

In two and a half weeks we’ll be heading to Heroes Con in Charlotte, North Carolina. The show runs from June 16-18th.

This will be our first time exhibiting at this show and we’re bringing a variety of art books with us. We’ve heard a lot of great things about this show and look forward to seeing everyone there!

Four artists who we are actively working on new books with will be making special appearances.

Daniel Warren Johnson, who is the artist for this fun Murder Falcon cover, will be at the Felix Comic Art table signing all three days. We’ve been working hard on his upcoming book to have the first pass available to show Daniel when we see each other. Pretty exciting!

William Stout and Mark Schultz (Xenozoic and Carbon art book series) will be with us at our Flesk table throughout the event. Both will be signing and have an assortment of original art with them. We have the massive three-volume Stout Comics retrospective in development, and something planned with Schultz, too.

We’re also fortunate to have Jeffrey Alan Love (Thousand Demon Tree and Notes From the Shadowed City) with us at the show. Jeff will be signing between our table and the Felix Comic Art area. We have a new book with Jeff that is getting very close to being done.

Between now and the show we will be continuing to work on these new books. I’m looking forward to seeing these artists as much as you all must be!



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Text copyright © 2023 John Fleskes. Photos by Vicky Lien and John Fleskes and © 2023 . Videos © 2023 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2023 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

New Graphic Novel by Jeffrey Alan Love Coming From Flesk!

New graphic novel by Jeffrey Alan Love in development from Flesk!

A note from Jeff:

“I finished painting the pages for my next graphic novel with Flesk Publications last week. Whenever I finish a project I immediately think that I should redo it, as I’ve learned so much in the making of it, and I could do a better job of it now. There’s so much left to learn, and I hope I have the years left in my life to grow as an artist and writer in the ways that I hope to. Next up is working with a letterer to find a type that integrates with the art, painting the cover, and then letting John Fleskes work his magic.”

The book is currently being designed. We will announce a release date as soon as we are done.



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Text copyright © 2023 John Fleskes. Photos by Vicky Lien and John Fleskes and © 2023 . Videos © 2023 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2023 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

Fifteen Flesk Titles are Out of Print. The Last Copies Are Available on Our Flesk Website.

Hi, all,

All fifteen of these Flesk titles are now officially out of print and out of stock from our book trade distributor–PGW. These are no longer available to order by book or comic stores.

The last remaining copies are available on our Flesk website. We have anywhere from just a few copies to a handful of cases left of each title.

It is rewarding to see how popular all of these books have been. You have our thanks for making these art collections a success!

Al Williamson: Strange World Adventures (The paperback edition is sold out. We have hardcover copies available.)

Ballpoint Beauties by Frank Cho (Limited copies of the paperback is available.)

Carbon 2 by Mark Schultz (Limited copies of the paperback is available.)

Carbon 4 by Mark Schultz (Limited copies of the paperback and hardcover is available.)

Drawing Beautiful Women: The Frank Cho Method (Limited copies of the hardcover is available.)

Spectrum 21 (Paperback and hardcover is sold out.)

Spectrum 22 (Limited copies of the paperback and hardcover available.)

Spectrum 23 (Limited copies of the paperback and hardcover available.)

Spectrum 24 (Limited copies of the hardcover is available. The paperback is sold out.)

Spectrum 25 (Limited copies of the paperback and hardcover available.)

Spectrum 26 (Paperback and hardcover is sold out.)

Spectrum 27 (Limited copies of the hardcover is available. The paperback is sold out.)

Storms at Sea by Mark Schultz (Limited copies of this hardcover is available.)

The J.A.W. Cooper Genesis Collection (This book is sold out.)

The Thousand Demon Tree by Jeffrey Alan Love (Signed paperback edition available.)

We have new collections in the works with Arthur Adams, Frank Cho, J.A.W. Cooper, Rachel and Terry Dodson, Jeffrey Alan Love, Richard and Wendy Pini, Mark Schultz, and Al Williamson.

Thanks for supporting us to allow us to make more art books!



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Text copyright © 2022 John Fleskes. Photos by Vicky Lien and John Fleskes and © 2022 . Videos © 2022 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2022 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

Jeffrey Alan Love Flesk Books Update!

Hi everyone,

Jeffrey Alan Love’s Notes From the Shadowed City and The Thousand Demon Tree paperback books are out of print. Our distributor has ran out of copies. We’re down to less than 100 copies of each title that is available direct on our Flesk website. Each copy comes signed! The hardcover editions are sold out. Stay tuned for more books by Love coming from Flesk in the future!





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Text and photos copyright © 2020 John Fleskes. Videos © 2020 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2020 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

Jeffrey Alan Love Signed Books!

Hi, all,

We had a driveway visit with Jeffrey Alan Love earlier this week. Jeff was kind enough to sign more copies of his Notes From the Shadowed City and The Thousand Demon Tree books. We have them available on our Flesk website.

It was nice to catch up with Jeff and to hear about a pair of book ideas that he has. He’s a great guy and wonderful to work with. I look forward to publishing more books with Jeff in the future.

The Jeffrey Alan Love books from Flesk:



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Text and photos copyright © 2020 John Fleskes. Videos © 2020 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2020 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.

The Thousand Demon Tree by Jeffrey Alan Love. New Book from Flesk!

The Thousand Demon Tree by Jeffrey Alan Love is now available! I’m especially proud to have the opportunity to publish Jeff’s second book. Jeff is doing things with art and story that no one else is doing. I feel he is one of those true original creators—someone who can share a narrative in a way unseen before. What is striking about his story is how well it is told without the use of words. The Thousand Demon Tree is strong and bold with a lesson in design that any student can learn from.

Jeff and I have a simple method of working with one another. I leave him alone to do his art and story. He leaves me alone to package the book and handle the marketing and promotion, while getting the book out there into the world. At the same time we communicate often to keep each other updated and to offer our support to one another. Our process comes from a mutual trust in our respective abilities along with an admiration for what our respective strengths are. It’s easy. It’s the same while working with Mark Schultz, Gary Gianni, J.A.W. Cooper and the others who I have a long-term relationship with. I like easy. I like a natural flow of going back and forth without any issues or miscommunications distracting us from the work. I appreciate working with Jeff.

Are we already planning another project together? Yes. I’ll announce it in the spring or summer of 2019.

Thanks again everyone. Both Jeff and I are grateful to you all for supporting his books.

Here’s the link to learn more about the book and to order.



Text and photos copyright © 2018 John Fleskes. Videos © 2018 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2018 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.

Book Update: The Thousand Demon Tree by Jeffrey Alan Love

Hi all,

Look what arrived today! Our printer sample copies of The Thousand Demon Tree by Jeffrey Alan Love. The version with the red spine is the signed edition that is already sold out. The regular hardcover edition can be pre-ordered on our Flesk website. The books are slated to arrive at our Flesk warehouse on August 25th. We’ll start shipping the Kickstarter pledges and pre-orders at that time.

Learn more or pre-order online here:



Brom and Jeffrey Alan Love at Alamo City Comic Con This Weekend!

Notes-from-the-shadowed-city-webart-of-brom-fantasy-cover-webHi, everyone,

The Alamo City Comic Con in San Antonio, Texas is this weekend! Brom and Jeffrey Alan Love are both guests of the show and will have copies of The Art of Brom and Jeff’s Notes From the Shadowed City with them. Both of these titles are published by Flesk. These are terrific guys who will be happy to sign your books at the show.

John Picacio, who will be a judge for Spectrum 24, is also a special guest who you can meet there.

jeff-alamo-picJeff will be exhibiting about 40 or so small paintings that will be for sale and he will also be taking some in-progress projects to show, like these comic pages, and some other larger paintings.

Learn more about the show here:

Notes From the Shadowed City by Jeffrey Alan Love Now Available!

jeffrey-alan-love-signing-notes-shadowsNotes-blurbsNow available from Flesk! Notes From the Shadowed City by Jeffrey Alan Love. Jeff was at our office last week signing all of the prints.

We are shipping all of the pre-orders now. All hardcovers ordered through Flesk comes with a unique signed print.

Notes From the Shadowed City is the travelogue of a young man who sets off on a journey to research magical swords. He finds himself stranded in a land he does not know and enters a city with no name over which looms an ominous floating citadel. As he seeks a way home, he fills his notebook with drawings and observations of his life in this strange place. It is full of masked swordsmen, cities that walk, ancient gods, swords made from petrified trees and dragons that move mountains. There’s also a mysterious woman who captures his heart.

From the imagination of award-winning artist Jeffrey Alan Love comes this illustrated tale of swords and magic, memory and loss, and the overwhelming desire to find a way home no matter the cost. His first book detailing this fantastic journey, Notes From the Shadowed City is told through small moments that create a larger narrative. Love employs his renowned artistry to create a heavily visual narrative boasting more than seventy illustrations, and every spread features his art along with handwritten text—a captivating journal entry that expands into a visual symphony. As you follow in the footsteps of this young man, you’ll be intrigued to seek out the Shadowed City.

You can order the book at the Flesk website here.



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Text copyright © 2016 John Fleskes. Artwork © 2016 Jeffrey Alan Love. All Rights reserved.