Flesk Booth Pictures at the 2013 Strip Festival in Breda, The Netherlands

We had a solid thirty-foot long booth at the Strip Festival show in Breda, The Netherlands on October 26 and 27. Terry Dodson, Petar Meseldzija, Mark Schultz, Jim Silke and Thomas Yeates joined us for signings during the duration of the weekend. I would like to express a special thanks to our hosts, Mark Thelosen and Guido de Bue, plus De Stripspecialist. And to the Strip Festival Breda organization and volunteers, plus all of those at Eppo for their help and support and for making our visit a pleasant one. We had a wonderful time!

Here’s a batch of pictures that I took at our booth. Captions fall under each picture.

Strip-Festival-Breda-2013-Flesk-pic-02Starting from the front, here is Terry Dodson signing a collection of his art on Spider-Man, Mark Schultz doing a drawing in his Xenozoic Artist’s Edition, Thomas Yeates pulling out some of his Prince Valiant original art, Petar Meseldzija adding a sketch to his art book, with Petar’s wife, Anita, keeping us boys in line.

Strip-Festival-Breda-2013-Flesk-pic-01Mark Schultz, who writes the weekly Prince Valiant Sunday strip, was discussing an upcoming storyline with Thomas, who happens to be the artist. Throughout the weekend you could overhear them working out the details for the coming months. In this case, Mark decided to sketch out what he was thinking for one particular segment.

Strip-Festival-Breda-2013-Flesk-pic-03Petar Meseldzija does the best sketches in books! All are different and they serve as a necessary challenge to keep him sharp. Petar does not compromise. I respect that trait.

Strip-Festival-Breda-2013-Flesk-pic-04Terry Dodson adding a quick headshot into one of his books. Terry had the largest lines each day. Fortunately this Dutch show has short hours and is only two days so none of us got worn out. It was quick relaxing, actually.

Strip-Festival-Breda-2013-Flesk-pic-05Thomas Yeates talking with a fan. Thomas is a delight and has an infectious laughter.

Strip-Festival-Breda-2013-Flesk-pic-06Thomas poses for Mark Thelosen, the new owner of this particular Prince Valiant original. And, I’ll add that Mark shuttled us all around the city and back and forth to the airport. For this, and many other reasons, Mark is an official lifetime member of the Flesk team.

Strip-Festival-Breda-2013-Flesk-pic-07The legendary Jim Silke signs a recently sold original.

Strip-Festival-Breda-2013-Flesk-pic-08Petar is all smiles, except when he is focused on drawing.

Strip-Festival-Breda-2013-Flesk-pic-09Jim signs his Jungle Girls book.

Strip-Festival-Breda-2013-Flesk-pic-10Petar snuck behind our booth wall to focus on this drawing commission that he wanted to make extraordinary. It’s quite the experience to watch Petar work.

Strip-Festival-Breda-2013-Flesk-pic-11A pulled back shot of Petar working on the same piece. See, no smiles. He’s creating.

Strip-Festival-Breda-2013-Flesk-pic-12This is a shot of Mark Schultz from the perspective of being in front of the booth. Mark was adding a Hannah bust drawing to his Xenozoic Artist’s Edition.

Strip-Festival-Breda-2013-Flesk-pic-13Mark, who very rarely sketches at shows, adds a Hannah sketch to his new art book, Carbon.

Strip-Festival-Breda-2013-Flesk-pic-14Thomas finished up four convention sketches that were ready to be picked up by his fans.

Strip-Festival-Breda-2013-Flesk-pic-15Remember when I mentioned how steady Terry’s line was? Well, here’s proof.

Strip-Festival-Breda-2013-Flesk-pic-16Terry was only able to finish one or two art commissions at the show. Here’s Terry working on the first one.

Strip-Festival-Breda-2013-Flesk-pic-17This is an alternate angle of Terry working on his commission.

Thanks for looking. I’ll be sharing more pictures soon. Check on back here next week to see them.



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
Flesk Publications on Facebook
Spectrum Fantastic Art
Spectrum Fantastic Art Live on Facebook
Text and photographs copyright © 2013 John Fleskes. All Rights Reserved.

Flesk and Spectrum Booth Video at APE!

Here’s a three minute video of the action at our Flesk / Spectrum booth at the Alternate Press Expo in San Francisco on October 12 and 13. This footage includes our special guests Terryl Whitlatch, Shelly Wan, Iain McCaig and Craig Elliott! Thanks to the Helpful Bear Productions crew for putting this together for us!



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
Flesk Publications on Facebook
Spectrum Fantastic Art
Spectrum Fantastic Art Live on Facebook
Helpful Bear Productions
Text copyright © 2013 John Fleskes. All Rights Reserved.

Pictures at our Flesk and Spectrum Booth at the Alternate Press Expo in San Francisco

Hi, all,

We had a fun time at the Alternate Press Expo on October 12 and 13. I’m on the road in the Netherlands for two events, which will keep my writing brief, but I will say this is one show I would not want to miss. APE is all about the artists and it attracts a sophisticated and highly enjoyable audience.

Terryl Whitlatch was with us all weekend. Everyone who bought a copy of her book Real and Imagined received a free unique drawing in the book. This kept Terryl’s line steady throughout the show. Pixar Sketch Artist and Spectrum 21 jury member, Shelly Wan, joined us on Saturday. Shelly proved popular and her good spirits was welcome at the booth. Craig Elliott was with us throughout the weekend. Craig gave much of his time by providing a live painting demonstration from a live model for four hours on Saturday and Sunday. We’re pleased at how popular these were and the visitors that hung out to learn and observe. Iain McCaig, legendary artist and Spectrum Advisory Board member, stopped by Saturday for a surprise visit and signing. Even with his presence being unannounced, a line quickly formed and kept Iain engaged during his entire stay with us. My friends James and Josh managed the book sales and answering questions. We had a fun time. APE is much like showing up to a good friend’s house and hanging out for a few days. None of the experience feels like work.

Enjoy the following pictures that were provided by our friends at Helpful Bear Productions. (Thanks guys!)

Flesk-APE-2013-pic-01Our full line of books were on offer, plus a sample copy of Spectrum 20 that was viewed with much delight.

Flesk-APE-2013-pic-01BTerryl Whitlatch talking with an attendee.

Flesk-APE-2013-pic-03From left to right, there’s Terryl, Shelly Wan, Craig Elliott and me, John Flesk.

Flesk-APE-2013-pic-04Here, Terryl includes a drawing into a copy of her book. She never drew the same creature twice.

Flesk-APE-2013-pic-05This is Terryl again, from the aisle outside of our booth. Our booth was oftentimes obscured by attendees.

Flesk-APE-2013-pic-07This picture shows Terryl, Shelly and Craig, with my buddy James in the background.

Flesk-APE-2013-pic-08Terryl draws in the foreground while Craig is painting his model for the day, Kelly.

Flesk-APE-2013-pic-09Craig focuses on his oil demonstration.

Flesk-APE-2013-pic-10From left to right we have Iain McCaig, Gil Banducci of Helpful Bear Productions, myself and Terryl.

Flesk-APE-2013-pic-11Shelly talks with a fan.

Flesk-APE-2013-pic-12Group shot! From left to right: Shelly, Gil, Terryl, Iain, Craig and Flesk.

Flesk-APE-2013-pic-13Here’s another perspective on Craig’s oil demonstration.

Flesk-APE-2013-pic-14The final portrait, with Kelly and Craig.

Thanks to Vidur Gupta for taking these pictures and to the entire Helpful Bear crew for their support!

See you next year!



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
Flesk Publications on Facebook
Spectrum Fantastic Art
Spectrum Fantastic Art Live on Facebook
Helpful Bear Productions
Text copyright © 2013 John Fleskes. All Rights Reserved.


Flesk, Spectrum and Artist Guests Exhibiting at the Alternate Press Expo This Weekend

Greetings, all,

The Alternate Press Expo in San Francisco is this weekend. We will have three tables representing Flesk Publications and Spectrum Fantastic Art in our usual spot near the front entrance. Our space number is 212-214. We will be joined by artists, Craig Elliott, Shelly Wan and Terryl Whitlatch. And we are pleased to have Helpful Bear Productions with us and filming our adventures to share online after the show.

I always look forward to APE. It focuses heavily on the individual artists and independent creators. The show is packed with a diverse sophisticated group. It’s like a giant artist’s alley and small press area, without all of the fancy pop culture and non-arts related booths. What’s not to like?


We will have our entire line of Flesk books and prints with us, including the new Mark Schultz Carbon art book. Also available will be our exclusive publisher edition books by Brom, Terry Dodson, Wendy Pini and Bruce Timm.

Spectrum Fantastic Art

We have secured an advance copy of Spectrum 20 to have on display. Previous volumes will also be on hand to peruse. Free Spectrum Call for Entries postcards and Spectrum Fantastic Art Live event postcards will be available.

CFE-21-Flesk-Spectrum-APEThose who are interested in submitting to the Spectrum 21 Call for Entries can turn them in at our booth. We will have submission forms available and we can answer your Spectrum questions. Additionally, you can ask us about the Spectrum Fantastic Art Live event happening in Kansas City next May. And you can pick up an exhibitor registration form for those who would like to join us there.

Artist Signings and Demonstrations

Terryl-Whitlatch-Helpful-Bear-FleskTerryl Whitlatch, the artist known for her creature designs for Lucasfilm and who provides workshops through her Tales of Amalthea master class, will be joining us both days. She will be doing drawing demonstrations throughout the weekend and she is happy to sign for her fans. She will also have her book, Animals Real and Imagined available.

Terryl-Whitlatch-Helpful-Bear-Flesk-2Craig Elliott will be doing a three hour oil painting demonstration from a live model on Saturday and Sunday starting at 2:00 each day. Craig will be answering questions during this time. This is an excellent opportunity to learn from Craig, who is a successful visual development artist who works for Disney, Blue Sky and other top companies.

Shelly-Wan-Flesk-APE-show-signingArtist and Spectrum 21 judge, Shelly Wan, will be making a signing appearance at our booth on Saturday from 1:00-2:00. Shelly worked as a visual development artist on Astro Boy; she has done art for Magic: The Gathering; and currently she works for Pixar, having done sketch and color work on Monster’s University.

Helpful Bear Productions

Helpful-Bear-Flesk-FriendsThe crew from Helpful Bear Productions will be joining us and filming our exploits at the booth. A short video will be shared on our Spectrum Fantastic Art website within a week after the show. We have partnered up with Helpful Bear Productions to document and share our events online so you can feel a part of the experience even if you cannot make it. Helpful Bear is the production company that produced the Spectrum Fantastic Art Live 2 book promotional video. They are at work on a second book feature video, this one focusing on The Art of Brom. We have much more planned with Helpful Bear and I look forward to this new relationship growing.

We hope to see you at the show!

See you soon.


John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
Flesk Publications on Facebook
Spectrum Fantastic Art
Spectrum Fantastic Art Live on Facebook
Text copyright © 2013 John Fleskes. All Rights Reserved.

Rose City Comic Con — Flesk Pictures and Stories

John Flesk, Brom, Terry & Rachel Dodson at the Flesk booth.
John Flesk, Brom, Terry & Rachel Dodson at the Flesk booth.

I miss the rain already. I’ve been to Portland a half dozen times, but it’s been over a decade since my last visit there. No matter if one of my past excursions to the downtown area coincided with winter, when I skated across the downtown icy sidewalks to slide into Powell’s, or passing a Frisbee at the open grass area along the Williamette River near the Steel Bridge with a friend in summer, each moment has been memorable. As I neared the city limits last week I embraced the cloudy skies, cool weather, and the smell and touch of the moist air.

I decided to exhibit at the Rose City Comic Con based on the professionalism and likability of those who organize the show. They are the same people who run the Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle, where we exhibited at for the first time earlier this year. (And will again in 2014!)

The Batmobile!
The Batmobile!

The Rose City event staff and volunteers were exceptionally friendly. Also, it was obvious that their promotional efforts were successful. The proof of this was the broad mix of people and heavy foot traffic that filled the aisles. The attendees we met were a delight and supported our being there. Plus, our neighbors were fun, which made for an all-around pleasurable experience. I had no hesitation in signing up and prepaying for the third Rose City show in 2014. It is an event that I feel confidant will continue to grow and gain momentum.

I want to thank Brom, Terry and Rachel Dodson for joining me at the Flesk Publications / Spectrum Fantastic Art Live booth.


From spending the week with Brom at Comic-Con, it came as no surprise at Rose City when I observed women approach Brom while giggling quietly to a friend or, shook a little as if they were trembling from a slight chill and, at times, gently bounced in place with excitement at the opportunity to meet him. I saw one girl get a signature in one of his books for her friend who was standing about 30 feet away but who was too nervous to get it herself. “Brave girl” eventually went and grabbed her shy friend by the arm and pulled her over to meet Brom. And I get why. Brom was all smiles and constantly adorable to the girls, and cool and super-chill to the guys. He’s extremely likable. It appears to be all in a day’s work for the Dark Lord.

Terry Dodson talks with a fan.
Terry Dodson talks with a fan.

Speaking of likeability, in the opposite corner of the booth, Terry and Rachel Dodson joined us for extended signings during both days. Terry creates a new piece of art for a unique print for each show where they attend. His new Rose City themed print debuted on Saturday and it turned out beautifully. Terry posted a blog entry to show his sketches and process which you can view here. Terry is amazingly patient and giving of his time. I observed art students who presented his or her portfolio for a critique and who would ask Terry art or industry related questions. Terry spent extended periods offering advice and ways in which they could improve, as well as offering tips on how he worked. I think he has a natural gift for sharing and helping others.

Terry Dodson working on a sketch for a show attendee.
Terry Dodson working on a sketch for a show attendee.

Brom and the Dodson’s helped me by manning the booth for a little bit so I could do a quick walk-around artist alley on Sunday. I make a point to always stroll through this section of every show I attend. It’s my number one destination point that I would hate to miss. It was well represented by a young group, most of who were new to me. I enjoy shows with large artist alley sections that have tables available to them at an affordable price. This makes for a wide variety of artists that may not otherwise have the opportunity to express themselves in a large public venue. These are our future stars. You can see the hunger and positive energy of these brave people who get out there and share their works. It is not easy to have the courage to exhibit at a show for the first time, or even the second or the third. These are the people who take their dreams and put themselves out there on public platform. They have my respect.

Echo Chernik had the best looking booth at the show. And her and her booth helpers turned out to be ever positive and fun neighbors.
Echo Chernik had the best looking booth at the show. And her and her booth helpers turned out to be ever positive and fun neighbors.

Artists are the coolest people to hang out with. They fight that normalcy of a 9-5 lifestyle that many people fall into. Most of the artists I meet and work with do whatever they need to do to share their creativity with others. There are some who might be broke half the time–and all too often struggling–but they are fun to socialize with. I can’t help but think they are happier than a lot of people who give up their lives to work for a paycheck doing a job they have no passion for. This is one of the many reasons why I enjoy publishing.

The Heceta Head Lighthouse in Oregon. It wasn't all cloudy skies!
The Heceta Head Lighthouse in Oregon. It wasn’t all cloudy skies!

We’ll see you in Portland again next year. Here’s hoping it rains again!



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
Flesk Publications on Facebook
Spectrum Fantastic Art
Spectrum Fantastic Art Live on Facebook
Text and photographs copyright © 2013 John Fleskes. All Rights Reserved.


Flesk, Spectrum Fantastic Art, Terry Dodson and Brom to Exhibit at Rose City Comic Con

Flesk-home-banner-13I’m packing up for our trip to Portland, Oregon next week to exhibit at Rose City Comic Con on September 21-22. I’ll be there representing Flesk Publications and Spectrum Fantastic Art. Brom and Terry Dodson will be signing at our booth #733 each day. Books, prints, drawings and original art will be available to peruse or purchase. We look forward to setting up in Portland for our first time and meeting lots of new people.

Rose City Comic Con is put on by the people who run Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle. With ECCC being such an exceptional show to exhibit at and attend, I have no doubt that Rose City will be just as fun for us.

Portland is one of my favorite cities to travel to. It’s been a number of years since I’ve been there and I looking forward to seeing the downtown and neighboring sights again.

See you soon!


John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
Flesk Publications on Facebook
Spectrum Fantastic Art
Spectrum Fantastic Art Live on Facebook
Text copyright © 2013 John Fleskes. All Rights Reserved.

Comic-Con International in San Diego 2013–The Flesk Report with Pictures

Comic-Con 2013 turned out to be our best show ever in terms of book sales and meeting new people. The crowd size was the same as previous years–since the ticket sales are limited to the hall size, fire and safety codes–yet it felt four times busier at our booth. It made me feel good that the awareness and interest for our books has grown.

Many of our titles sold strong and steady. These included all of our new books: Bruce Timm Naughty and Nice 2013 Teaser, Mark Schultz: Carbon, The Art of Brom, Xenozoic new cover edition by Mark Schultz and the Wendy Pini Teaser that includes material representative of the two books that are in development, The Art of Elfquest and Line of Beauty. Also, all of our previous titles sold steadily throughout the show.

One thing I’ll admit to is that I sometimes flip my badge around so people don’t automatically know who I am. This gives me an opportunity to ask people a lot of questions to find out why they like our books, what they don’t like and what they want to see in the future. I have a clear vision of what I want to do, yet it is important to hear raw feedback from people and to not get lost in my own ego. Keeping an open mind, and exhibiting at shows gives me a direct line of communication to those who support us.

And now this same listening approach applies to Spectrum Fantastic Art, too. As the new director I have been asking artists a lot of questions. A handful of responses that I heard when the Spectrum name came up was, “Oh, yeah. I’ve seen that magazine.” This lets me know that I’ve got some work to do to. It’s my job to help better define what Spectrum is to the general public.

After having such a terrific year, I can look back on Comic-Con in 2011 to see how some decisions made back then helped for 2013. While driving home after the 2011 convention, I realized my attitude toward the show was on the decline. I was debating if the event was still worthwhile to exhibit at. I considered the costs, time preparing for the show, a week spent in San Diego instead of the office and the effort placed in catching up after my return. It amounts to about three weeks of energy that could be used to make a new book.  I was burnt out on Comic-Con and I needed to do something about it.

I wanted to get excited about going again. So, for 2012 I hired extra staff and left the booth to my friend James to run. I spent 90% of the time away from the booth. I went to panels, walked the show, bought a few things for myself and had a really great time. I hear a lot of complaints that the show is not about comics anymore. I’ve been guilty of thinking that way as well. I grew up reading and enjoying comics. Without comics, I would not have formed my passion for art and books and would never have started Flesk Publications. The thought of Comic-Con moving away from comics bothered me. But as I walked around the show, out of my isolated booth where I typically spend 95% of my time, I found there to be a lot of things going on about comics. And the show promotes them heavily in the souvenir catalog, program guide and panels. I discovered for myself that it is still a comic show after all. And I couldn’t dismiss that three artists I work with, Gary Gianni, Mark Schultz and Jim Silke were guests and properly recognized for their contributions to the comic field.

It turned out that our 2012 booth sales were a below average year for us. We did better at the Spectrum Fantastic Art Live show earlier that year with 2% of the crowd. But, finances are not the main reason why I exhibit at this show. (More on this later.) However, I was reinvigorated with Comic-Con and eager to sign up for the next year. My passion was renewed and I felt great all this year.

There are five main reasons why I exhibit at shows.

1. Promotion. It’s essential to create a presence for Flesk and for the artists I publish, and that I have an opportunity to meet people and share what we do with them.
2. Meet the artists in person. I met Gary Gianni, Steve Rude, Mark Schultz, Jim Silke, William Stout and a host of other people I work with at Comic-Con. Shows provide a rare accessibility to artists and many opportunities arise there that can pay off three or five years from now.
3. Get inspired! Walking the show and seeing what others are doing is fuel that can last for months.
4. Grow. Panels, business meetings and talking with our supporters helps me make decisions for the future and it provides me with the knowledge to keep me on track.
5. Sell books. I love selling books, packing books, shipping books and getting them into the hands of those that support us. I’m not selling product that I bought for resale. I am selling books that we made, oftentimes that took months or years to create that I was heavily involved with and am passionate about. When someone buys one of our books I am especially grateful since it allows me to continue making more books, and pay royalties to the artists that goes toward the creation of new works.

At Comic-Con, my show costs run between $8-9K and I don’t always break even. But, considering the benefits of 1-5 above, the costs are well worth it. Anyone in this business who looks at just the money at the end of the day isn’t thinking long term.

Not all shows are worth setting up at. I do my homework before considering any show. I can’t afford to spend time away from the office that does not add the majority of benefits 1-5 that I stated above. I talk to fellow exhibiters who have set up at certain shows to gauge whether or not I will exhibit. The shows where we exhibit on a regular basis are those that I have found give us the maximum benefits.

And Comic-Con has consistently been a show that I consider to be of the utmost importance that I be a part of it. I mentioned earlier that at one point I was not eager to attend Comic-Con. Getting out of the booth and having fun again last year was a big help. Another was that I realized if I wanted to see change that I had to be the change that I wanted to see. I recognized what it was that was bothering me and I addressed it. It paid off for this year, since being positive kept me invigorated and energetic throughout the show. (Well, most of the time at least.) I was at the booth 90% of the time and enjoyed being there.

This is an excellent time to shift gears to talk about the show this year.

As I mentioned before, the Flesk booth was rocking this year. We have never been so busy at a show–ever. I brought three guys with me to help full time, and we had Brom and Mark Schultz there each day. Jim Silke was with us for half the day on Thursday. Usually the crowds come in waves and we might get brief moments to talk among ourselves. This year there were no still periods. I brought twice the number of books that I normally do. I had a “feeling” about this year. The two successful Kickstarter campaigns, one with Brom and the other with Mark Schultz, the popularity of the Bruce Timm books, the recent Spectrum transition news, combined with all of the artists I work with gave me the gut feeling that this would be our year. And it was. If I brought my usual stock we would have been sold out by Friday at noon. I always listen to my gut.

During my few moments away from the booth I managed to squeeze off a few pictures of my neighbors. Let’s take a walk together.

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-01Here is Gary Gianni and George R.R. Martin signing the 2014 Games of Thrones calendar at the Madefire booth. This was one of two signings for Martin and the fans came in droves.

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-02Richard and Wendy Pini, with the managing editor at boingboing.net, Rod Beschizza, during the 35 Years of Elfquest panel. Richard announced a range of new Elfquest projects, including The Final Quest which will be published by Dark Horse. Plus, our Art of Elfquest and Wendy Pini: Line of Beauty collections that are in development.

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-03Richard and Wendy Pini with a group of fans after the Elfquest panel. One thing that impressed me during the panel was when they opened the floor to questions; it wasn’t questions that they received. Instead, fans expressed their heartfelt passion for Elfquest and how the series and characters have impacted their lives. It was quite moving.

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-04Stan Lee with J. Scott Campbell. I was rounding a corner when I saw this scene. I took one picture, and then was quickly asked to move along by security to prevent a mass blockage of bystanders in the isle. There was a long line wrapping around the booths going in my opposite direction. It was just a random ten second situation for me. I happened to have my camera in hand with my manual settings ready. It’s part of the fun of Comic-Con. You never know what you might see and when you will see it.

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-05Christopher Paolini stopped by and interviewed Brom at our Flesk booth. What did they discuss? I was too busy taking pictures and helping customers to hear. I’ll post a link to the video if it becomes available online.

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-06This is Craig Elliott with one of his muses at his Craig Elliott Gallery booth. Craig always has three or four beautiful women assisting him during the course of the show. I need to learn his secret. Or, maybe I should have been an artist instead of a publisher?

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-07Craig Elliott redesigned his booth this year. He had books, prints, originals and he had erected high walls with a fancy backdrop to make for a gallery like setting. Craig was also doing live paintings from the model. Here is Craig during a rare idle moment.

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-08Across the aisle from Craig was the Baby Tattoo booth headed by the ever personable Bob Self. Brian Kesinger was there signing a copy of his Walking Your Octopus book at the Baby Tattoo booth. We got our copy at the Spectrum Fantastic Art Live show!

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-09And here is Terry Dodson at his booth, which he shares with Aaron Lopresti. Terry unveiled his new Bombshells 7 collection, and had plenty of gorgeous original art to view.

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-10I got to meet Mark Winters and John Stanko at their shared booth. It turns out they were not too far from our Flesk booth, proving the importance of getting out to see the wonderful art and people that are all around us.

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-11Donato Giancola was busy working on a new piece in his sketchbook when I walked up. He has one of the more impressive displays of originals hanging.

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-12Steve Argyle introduced himself to me. I’m glad he did. Nice guy and how does that backdrop of his work look?!

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-13Here, Brom talks with a fan at the Flesk booth, with someone in the background bearing an uncanny resemblance to the cover model on The Art of Craig Elliott.

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-14Zander Cannon in Artist’s Alley. His latest book “Heck” from Top Shelf is a new book worth picking up.

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-15Brom’s creations from The Plucker come to life.

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-16The ever positive and talented, Mr. Daren Bader.

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-17What do you get when Mark Schultz stands you up for lunch? Answer: Mark draws a Hannah sketch in Daren’s Xenozoic Artist’s Edition book.

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-18Christian Alzmann, a VFX Art Director at ILM, premiered his art book “Tales” at the show.

Flesk-2013-SDCC-picture-19Here’s a grab shot of David Palumbo. His art keeps growing more and more on me despite how much I liked it before.

See you all next year!



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
Text and photos copyright © 2013 John Fleskes. All Rights Reserved.

Jim Silke Signing at the Flesk Publications Booth at Comic-Con on Thursday

Jim Silke Sketchbook
Jim Silke Sketchbook

Jim Silke will be at our Flesk booth #5019 on Thursday (July 18th) morning to the early afternoon during Comic-Con International. He will be sitting with his friends Mike Mignola and Geof Darrow at their booth #4901 on the Wednesday preview night. (There’s a pair you won’t want to miss either.)

Jim will have original art to view and purchase. These are the only two days he will be at the show, so you will want to be sure to bump him up to the front of your list of people to see. We will have copies of Jim’s Jungle Girls and Jim Silke Sketchbook on hand.

See you soon!



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
Text copyright © 2013 John Fleskes. All Rights Reserved.

Order Jim Silke books from Flesk Publications

New Mark Schultz Books and Prints Premiering, Signing Times at the Flesk Booth and Panel Appearances at Comic-Con International

Carbon-samplesThere’s lots of cool Mark Schultz things going on at Comic-Con next week (to distract you from asking or wondering where Storms and Sea is). His new art book, Mark Schultz: Carbon and new printing of the complete Xenozoic collection that prints all the stories written and drawn by Mark to date, and a new print, “Beyond the Known Forest, She Talks with Birds” (visit my July 7 post to learn more about the print) will debut at the show.

Xenozoic-samplesThanks to our Kickstarter supporters and pre-orders from our Flesk website we will have less than 100 copies of the deluxe hardcover of Carbon (limited to 600 copies) at the show and only about 30 copies of the Xenozoic deluxe hardcover (limited to 500 copies). After these are gone, they will be sold out. We’ll have plenty of paperback editions of both at Comic-Con which Mark will be pleased to sign for you.

8 x 10" Mark Schultz print, free with any Flesk purchase at Comic-Con
“On the Dawn Patrol” 8 x 10″ Mark Schultz print, free with any Flesk purchase at Comic-Con

And I have a bonus item to announce for Comic-Con. We have a Mark Schultz 8 x 10″ print that we will be giving away for free with any purchase at the Flesk booth, or $5.00 by itself. Mark will sign it if he is at the booth when you pick it up. There’s a good chance we will go through them all at the show.

These are the guaranteed times Mark Schultz will be at our Flesk Publications / Spectrum fantastic Art Live booth #5019.

-Wednesday 7/17, Preview Night: 6-8
-Thursday 7/18: 11:30-12:45 and 4:30-6:30
-Friday 7/19: 11-1 and 4-6
-Saturday 7/20: 2-4
-Sunday 7/21: 10:30-12:30

In addition, Mark will be appearing at our Flesk panel. Here are the details and time:

Flesk Publications Exposed! The Artists Spill Their Guts! The Truth Behind the Spectrum Transition!
Thursday July 18, 2013 10:00am – 11:00am
Room 32AB
Sure, 10:00 is early but, OMG, with a lineup including Brom (The Art of Brom, Krampus), Terry Dodson (Red One, Uncanny X-Men), Mark Schultz (Xenozoic), and William Stout (Hallucinations, Legends of the Blues) talking new projects-and publisher John Fleskes frankly discussing the future of the renowned Spectrum Fantastic Art series-you really should get your butt out of bed!

See you soon!



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
Text copyright © 2013 John Fleskes. All Rights Reserved.

Order Mark Schultz books and prints from Flesk Publications

Brom Signing Times at the Flesk Booth and Panel Appearances at Comic-Con International

The Art of Brom Deluxe Edition. Exclusive from Flesk and available at Comic-Con.
“The Art of Brom” Deluxe Edition. Exclusive from Flesk and available at Comic-Con.

Brom will be signing at our Flesk Publications / Spectrum Fantastic Art booth #5019 all five days at Comic-Con International in San Diego. We will have his new The Art of Brom book (Flesk Exclusive Publisher Edition with bonus 16-pages and Deluxe Edition) and Brom Sketchbook (Another Flesk exclusive) at the show. His official times on duty are:

Wed: 6:00pm-9:00pm
Thurs: 12:00pm-3:00pm, 4:00pm-7:00pm
Fri: 10:00am to 1:00pm, 4:00pm-6:00pm
Sat: 10:00am to 1:00pm, 2:30pm-6:00pm
Sun: 10:00am-1:00pm, 3:00pm-5:00pm.

In addition, Brom will be appearing at the following panels:

Flesk Publications Exposed! The Artists Spill Their Guts! The Truth Behind the Spectrum Transition!
Thursday July 18, 2013 10:00am – 11:00am
Room 32AB
Sure, 10:00 is early but, OMG, with a lineup including Brom (The Art of Brom, Krampus), Terry Dodson (Red One, Uncanny X-Men), Mark Schultz (Xenozoic), and William Stout (Hallucinations, Legends of the Blues) talking new projects-and publisher John Fleskes frankly discussing the future of the renowned Spectrum Fantastic Art series-you really should get your butt out of bed!

Witches and Fey, Monsters and Mortals
Sunday July 21, 2013 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Room 24ABC
That vamp’s a tramp; this witch is a real bitch. Pixies will pinch, and the fey go beyond fairly frightening. The ghouls are ghastly, and we mere mortals are growing testy. Oh, and that creepy-looking fella is sprouting fur from his feet, and who knows “were” else! Jeanne Stein (the Anna Strong series) encourages S. M. Wheeler (Sea Change), Leigh Bardugo (The Grisha Trilogy), Brom (Krampus), Morgan Rhodes (Falling Kingdoms), Amber Benson (The Calliope Reaper-Jones series), Seanan McGuire (The October Daye series), Rachel Caine (the Morganville Vampires series), and C. Robert Cargill (Dreams and Shadows) to provide perspective on the monsters of myth.

See you soon!



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
Text copyright © 2013 John Fleskes. All Rights Reserved.

Order The Art of Brom Deluxe, Publisher, Trade editions and Sketchbook from Flesk