William Stout Completes Murals for the San Diego Natural History Museum!William Stout has completed all 12 of his murals for the San Diego Natural History Museum. The final works have been hung and are available for viewing in the SDNHM
Fossil Mysteries exhibition.
Stout comments on his monumental achievement, “This has been the most pleasurable of projects for me. I am so happy that I had the time and the opportunity to do my best work for the museum. I am optimistic in my hope that these paintings will stand the test of time and serve to inspire many, many future young artists and scientists that way that other muralists, like Charles R. Knight and Rudolph Zallinger, have inspired both myself and my friends in the world of paleontology.”
With the murals complete, William Stout and Flesk Publications are working together to bring these works into book form. Those unable to visit the SDNHM and people interesting in taking home the experience will be able to cherish his works time and time again in this volume. In addition, Stout’s previous mural assignments for Houston Museum of Natural Science and Walt Disney’s Animal Kingdom will be included as well.
Check back at the Flesk Publications website in the coming months for full details and sample art. The book is slated for summer 2008.
For more information on the SDNHM, visit their website here. And, follow William Stout’s exploits and view his gallery of art at his website here.