The Rose City Comic Con wrapped up today. We had a Flesk booth there with special guest signings by Brom and Terry Dodson on Saturday afternoon and Steve Rude on Sunday afternoon. The show was well attended. The event staff was helpful and well organized, and the Portland area a beautiful area to visit. I even managed to squeeze in a visit to Powell’s Books on Friday. I picked up a nice assortment of new titles and took many notes that will find its way into the 2014 Spectrum 22 Year in Review.
Here’s a two part picture showing the view from our Flesk booth. Brom is on the left signing books, while Terry Dodson is on the right.
Steve Rude doing a drawing for a fan who requested a “pretty woman.”
Steve Rude was a guest of Rose City Comic Con. He completed a new painting the day before the show, which he unveiled at the show.
Steve shows off the finished sketch.
Even though Terry had just the afternoon available to sign and sketch, he still managed to squeeze out about four drawings and an untold amount of autographs for people.
Terry Dodson adds a drawing to the sketch cover to X-Men #1 for a fan.
Thanks to everyone who stopped by the booth! We had a great time!
John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
Flesk Publications on Facebook
Spectrum Fantastic Art
Spectrum Fantastic Art Live
Spectrum Fantastic Art Live on Facebook
Text copyright and photographs © 2014 John Fleskes. Artwork © 2014 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.
Wish I could have been there with you. I have a good friend in Portland and we’ve made a pact to do this next year.
Hi Bill,
Portland is a great city to visit. The staff and event organizers, plus attendees are all terrific. Unfortunately, I can’t recommend the show though as far as being an exhibitor in our field. It didn’t work out for us these last two years in terms of costs and the time going in and what we got out of it. I’m hoping to try it there again in a couple years once the show has grown a little more. Glad to be back home making books!
I had been trying to find your booth again,i had forgotten your name but loved the art.,I am so glad I found this on google!I am going to go see what you have online now.