Hi, everyone,
Back in June, Bruce Timm emailed me about a fresh stack of originals that he pulled together for me to scan for possible upcoming projects. When he mentioned that there was over 400 pieces we both got nervous about shipping them in the mail.
Vicky and I drove down to the LA area to scan and photograph the originals to make the process smoother. We arrived back home with enough material for three new Timm books. Pretty exciting!
This picture is of our makeshift office at the hotel. You can see a stack of originals on the scanner, and even more in the binder. There is another full binder that you can’t see in this picture. Bruce makes all of his art on standard copy paper. This is his favorite type of paper to work on.
Since this trip, Bruce has discovered more artwork. Another photography trip is in our future!
The first all-new book of three is planned for the fall 2023 at the earliest. I will share the details about exactly what each of these titles will focus on in the future. In the meantime, we hope you continue to enjoy The Big Tease and Naughty and Nice.
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Text copyright © 2022 John Fleskes. Photos by Vicky Lien and John Fleskes and © 2022 . Videos © 2022 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2022 its respective artists. All rights reserved.