2021 Action Items!

Hi everyone,

At the beginning of each year I always look at the business as if I was just hired and seeing the Flesk operations for the first time. Kathy, Vicky and I have had long talks over the last few weeks and isolated a number of areas where we can improve and how we can make it happen. I’ll write a long blog post soon with more details.

At the moment we are looking for a new bookkeeper, followed by a new part time office helper. Our needs are not immediate, but we have our eyes open for the right person who can fill this role. Once we find and have settled in with a new bookkeeper we will turn our attention toward the new part time helper. If any of my local friends have any good leads, please let me know.

Besides gaining some more help, we have put together a plan to completely reorganize how we run the business. It’s pretty exciting and I feel energized as we tackle new projects. I like change and I like pursuing new ways of doing things, and luckily for me Vicky and Kathy are excited as well.I’ll be sharing a lot all during this year!



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