The Spectrum 24 Awards Ceremony!
For 24 years Spectrum: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art has been celebrating imaginative works by creators from around the world.
The Spectrum Awards Ceremony will be held in Kansas City, Missouri on Saturday night, April 22nd. Entry is free for all Spectrum Fantastic Art Live event ticket holders and exhibitors.
This celebration will present the Gold and Silver Awards for exemplary art from the previous year in eight categories: Advertising, Book, Comics, Concept Art, Dimensional, Editorial, Institutional, and Unpublished.
The ceremony will be held in the historic Folly Theater and presided over by Spectrum’s Director and publisher, John Fleskes. Presenters include such luminaries of the art community as J.A.W. Cooper, John English, James Gurney, Iain McCaig, Lauren Panepinto, John Picacio, Dan dos Santos, Bob Self, and Richard & Wendy Pini, Colin & Kristine Poole, George Pratt, Terryl Whitlatch. Spectrum co-founders Cathy and Arnie Fenner will introduce a memorial video devoted to the creatives who had passed away in the previous year. Maeret Lemons will serve as the MC during the ceremony. Voler: Thieves of Flight, Kansas City’s Premier Aerial Academy and Aerial Performance Collective, will perform during the evening.
A newly designed Spectrum award will be revealed! Even more reason why you will want to be there! We’ll share who the sculptor is and highlight the new award here after the weekend.
We hope to see you there!
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Text and photos copyright © 2017 John Fleskes. Videos © 2017 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2017 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.