Hi, all,
The purpose of Spectrum has always been to showcase the brightest creators working today while embracing diversity. As a result Spectrum has the highest profile and circulation of any art annual or sourcebook currently being published, either in the United States or abroad: more eyes means not only a greater appreciation and respect for our field, but also more opportunities for everyone. It is the active participation of the art community that makes Spectrum possible without you it can’t succeed. We need you. As the deadline for entries nears please help us spread the word to your fellow artists via your websites, blogs, and social media pages; share the link to the entry form and help us meet the challenge of keeping Spectrum fresh, vibrant, and truly representative of the fantastic art field. The harder the jury has to work while casting their votes this year, the more significant having work selected for inclusion is. Life is a competition and the arts are no different; Spectrum is a symbol of individual accomplishment, but it’s also celebrating the accomplishments of our entire community. Click here to submit.
Read the press release with quotes by the jury by clicking here.
Thank you!
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Text and photos copyright © 2017 John Fleskes. Videos © 2017 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2017 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.