Spectrum and Flesk Updates!

Greetings, all,

It’s been a busy few weeks here! I have a bunch of updates for you.

Bombshells-Two-displayTerry Dodson’s Bombshell’s Sketchbook Collection Two has just arrived! This 48 pages collection gathers the out of print Bombshells Sketchbooks #4-7 and new material–all rescanned and in a gorgeous 7.75 x 10.25 inch hardcover format!

We have shipped out the pre-orders already!

You can order it here.

Spectrum-23-cover-webSpectrum 23. Cover art by Android Jones.

I’ve approved the printer advance copy samples of Spectrum 23! The colors came out the best ever since I took over the book. I spent many extra days and hours proofing the colors with the printer to get it just right. Not too dark, not too red–it’s vibrant and beautiful. I’m very happy with how the book looks.

The books are being prepared for transport from overseas and will be arriving with the distributor in time for its official November release date.

I wouldn’t mind doing another Spectrum release party and book signing. I’ll start looking around for a venue that can host it. Let me know if you know of any stores or galleries that would be willing!

I have a batch of Spectrum 23 coming straight to our Santa Cruz, California office that should arrive in October. We will start mailing all of the artist complimentary and pre-order copies at that time so that you should receive them before they hit the stores.

Thank you to everyone who is part of this art community!

Order here at a special pre-order price.

SAS-DLX-Case-webStorms-at-Sea-Deluxe-proofsThe printer proofs for the deluxe edition of Storms at Sea by Mark Schultz have been approved! I spent the day reviewing the details of the book and pages to check the colors and to review it for any last minute changes. It’s looking sweet!

The book will be going on the press soon. I’ll share the delivery schedule just as soon as it has been made available to me.

Copies can be ordered here.

Spectrum-24-banner-webSpectrum 24 Call for Entries poster by Justin Gerard.

Each year I have the great honor to assemble the Spectrum jury. For Spectrum 24 I have all five judges confirmed. I will be sending out a press release next month announcing who they are.

Some of the things that I look for in a judge are positivity, service to the community, works well within a group, a stellar artist and revered by his or her peers and fans. The five should represent different areas within the field and favor diversity in styles and methods. That’s a lot of checkmarks! But fortunately the Spectrum community is one where we have a lot of these types of people. The problem isn’t finding people with these qualities, it’s narrowing it down to just five.



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Text copyright © 2016 John Fleskes. Photos © 2016 John Fleskes. Artwork © 2016 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.