Iain McCaig Sketching and SFAL Spectrum Panel New Videos

Greetings, all,

I was digging through our video archives and have pulled and posted these two new videos.

Here I host the Spectrum panel during Spectrum Fantastic Art Live held in Kansas City, MO on May 23, 2015. Colin and Kristine Poole discuss the creation of the new Spectrum Muse awards for the Spectrum Awards ceremony; Annie Stegg Gerard and Justin Gerard talk about their time as part of the jury for Spectrum 22; Iain McCaig and Brom share insights into being on the Spectrum Advisory Board; and I discuss the Spectrum annual.

This video gives you a lot of insight into how Spectrum works.

Iain McCaig sketches in a Flesk blank sketchbook at the Flesk booth during Comic-Con International in San Diego. The sketchbook/journal features a durable and flexible protective cover with a wraparound illustration by Iain McCaig. Available now at the Flesk website.



John Flesk

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Text and photos copyright © 2015 John Fleskes. Videos © 2015 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2015 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.