Masquerade by Terry Dodson: 2014 Sketchbook


Terry Dodson debuted his latest sketchbook collection, Masquerade at Comic-Con last week. This latest sketchbook features an assortment of material including pencil sketches, ink and marker preliminaries, convention sketches, character designs and a show print drawing with the process shown in a step-by-step format.

We have copies available on our Flesk online store if you are interested. Each copy comes initialed “TD” by Terry and is only available direct from him at shows or from us.

Visit here to pick up a copy.

You can also visit Terry’s blog here to see some of the sketches that he made during Comic-Con.



John Fleskes
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Text copyright © 2014 John Fleskes. Artwork copyright Terry Dodson © 2014. All Rights reserved.