Middle-Earth: Visions of a Modern Myth by Donato Giancola Now Available from Underwood Books!

Donato Giancola’s new book, Middle-Earth: Visions of a Modern Myth is now available from Underwood Books. This 80-page hardbound book is chock-full of watercolor pencil and chalk drawings on toned paper and oil paintings. The illustrations within are inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien’s fictional world, Middle-Earth. You will find works depicting Frodo, Gandalf, Faramir, Boromir, Legolas, and many more.

Donato applies his renaissance inspired techniques to delivery extraordinary scenes, including my personal favorites in the book, “The Taming of Smeagol” and “Eowyn and the Lord of the Nazgul.”

Each work includes the media type and dimensions. Many pencils and oils are accompanied by commentary by Donato sharing insight into the story that is depicted.

There is also a leather-bound special edition limited to 26-copies, which includes an original drawing by Donato. Full details can be found on his website. You can see a two minute video preview of the book on the Spectrum Fantastic Art website here.


John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
© 2010 John Fleskes