A few people have written me asking if there will be a hardcover edition to the new Xenozoic book by Mark Schultz. No, there is no hardcover edition planned. I will always list all editions of a new title on the product information page on my website when the book is first announced.

As far as the interiors go, this book features all of the stories written and drawn by Mark Schultz to date. These twenty stories are each accompanied by new title page illustrations. There are also a handful of new spot illustrations to decorate the first and final pages. I wrote a blog previously about the new cover art and Schultz’s coloring process that can be read here.
With the exception of two stories, “Green Air” (11-pages) and “The Rules of the Game” (10-pages), all of the artwork has been reproduced from the originals. These other two stories were scanned from original proofs. I should mention that if anyone owning original art pages for either “Green Air” or “The Rules of the Game” would be willing to scan the pages for us for future editions, both Mark Schultz and myself would greatly appreciate your time and help. You will be listed in the acknowledgments section and receive a free copy of the future edition. The “Green Air” story was sold through Heritage Auctions in November 2006. Unfortunately we were unable to get scans of sufficient resolution for reproduction prior to the sale of the individual pages. Those willing to help can contact me here.
I’m very excited about this Xenozoic book and having all of Mark Schultz’s material to date all in one big 352-page volume. I have approved the proofs and the book is currently being printed and bound. It is on schedule for its early November 2010 release date.
For more details on the book, please visit our website here.
John Fleskes
Flesk Publications