Harvey Dunn and The Legend of Steel Bashaw Books in Previews July 2010! Orders Due July 10th!

Harvey Dunn: Illustrator and Painter of the Pioneer West and The Legend of Steel Bashaw are listed in the July 2010 Previews Catalog. Orders are due by July 10. I appreciate all of your help by letting your local comic shops know about the availability of these books.

Here are the Previews order codes:

JUL10 1228 — Harvey Dunn: Illustrator and Painter of the Pioneer West (page 348)
JUL10 1275 – Legend of Steel Bashaw (page 355)

Click on the title names for full details on the books. Both are in full color. The denoted “PC” in Previews for partial color is incorrect.



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications