Mark Schultz is working on over twenty new spot illustrations for inclusion in our upcoming Xenozoic collection coming fall 2010. (Click here for full details about the book.) Mark recently sent me the preliminary and finished artwork above, which will be used as the chapter header for the story “Another Swarm.”

At the moment Mark is hand coloring the artwork for the cover to Xenozoic. The cover you see on the website, and shown here, is a digitally colored placeholder done by Randall Dahlk until Mark completes his coloring. I’m particularly excited by Mark’s willingness to use a traditional method of coloring instead of a computer. While I enjoy both computer and traditional art, I have the opinion that there is a certain “feel” that can only be obtained by using traditional tools. I’ll post the finished piece once it is ready.

On another Schultz topic, the new issue of The Spirit is out. You can get this second issue at your local comic book shop. Mark has written the first three issues of this new series.
John Fleskes
Flesk Publications