Al Williamson Archives Available to Order in Previews—May 2010!

Al Williamson Archives Vol. 1 Coming July 2010 from Flesk!
Al Williamson Archives Vol. 1 Coming July 2010 from Flesk!

Al Williamson Archives Volume 1 is available to order on page 308 in the Comics section of the May 2010 Previews. You can also re-order our Al Williamson’s Flash Gordon book in the same order form. The DCD order codes are as follows:

MAY10 1032 Al Williamson Archives SC VOL 01

MAY10 1033 Al Williamson’s Flash Gordon: Lifelong Vision of Heroic SC

You can place your orders now through your local comic book shop. Visit the Previews website for more information here. Diamond orders are due May 15.

Both books are also available to the book trade. Flesk books are distributed by SCB Distributors.



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications