Both William Stout: Hallucinations and James Bama Sketchbook: A Seventy-Year Journey, Traveling From the Far East to the Wild West are available to order on pages 336 and 337 in the Books section of the April 2010 Previews. The DCD order codes are as follows:
APR10 1183 James Bama Sketchbook 70 Year Journey SC
APR10 1191 William Stout Hallucinations SC
APR10 1192 William Stout Hallucinations SGN LTD HC
You can place your orders now through your local comic book shop. Visit the Previews website for more information here.
Both books are also available to the book trade. Flesk books are distributed by SCB Distributors. Note that the signed deluxe editions of our books are only available direct from us, through Bud’s Art Books and through Previews.
John Fleskes
Flesk Publications