There’s a new Mark Schultz interview available online at Sidebar. The cool thing about this talk is it is a sound file, so you can download and listen to it. I spoke with Mark about his experience being interviewed by Sidebar hosts Dwight Clark and Swain Hunt, and he told me they instantly made him feel comfortable, and asked smart atypical questions. He really enjoyed the experience. As a result, Mark feels this is his best interview to date.
Part one is online at their site and runs about one hour. This covers much of Mark’s influences. Part 2 will be posted in the near future, going into his upcoming projects, such as Storms at Sea, and Various Drawings Volume Four, both being published by Flesk.
Besides Mark’s interview, Dwight and Swain post informative and fun to read news on upcoming and new books, movies, comics, animation topics, and more interviews, such as one with Jim Starlin.
Sidebar: Four Color Conversations on Comics, Art & Pop Culture is definitely worth checking out on a regular basis.
John Fleskes
Flesk Publications