Jack Kirby Collector #51 Available from TwoMorrows! Cover Story

Jack Kirby Collector #51

John Morrow, of TwoMorrows Publishing, sent me a copy of the new Jack Kirby Collector #51. The cover looked familiar, but I wasn’t quite sure why, until I looked inside and saw my name included with the cover credit.

Back in 2004, while attending the San Diego Comic Con, I was walking by the TwoMorrows booth. John Morrow was talking with a gentleman while admiring the original art, now used for the cover of TJKC #51. Turns out, John had never seen this artwork before, and was talking to the owner of the artwork about getting it photographed for a future cover. I happened to have a Hasselblad camera with me that a friend let me borrow for the show. I was on my way back to my Flesk booth after shooting a few portraits. I’m a huge Jack Kirby fan, and love what John Morrow is doing with his magazines. John asked if I was willing to photograph the art. I was more than happy to help. I shot the art using natural light in the back area of the convention center, and then sent him the negative after the show. I’m glad to see he was able to use it, and to have had the opportunity to contribute.

On another note, I happened to see Mike Mignola and Guillermo del Toro together later on. I just happened to still have the camera with me and was able to shoot some pictures of them together. This was right after the first Hellboy film came out, and a very exciting time, I would imagine, for the both of them.

I lug a camera around just about everywhere with me. Sometimes I never use it, but other times it proves invaluable to have around, especially at shows.

John Fleskes
Flesk Publications