We will be exhibiting at Super-Con this weekend, May 17 and 18, 2008. Stop by to pick up our show specials and latest titles, as well as to see our previews of upcoming books. We’ll have Mark Schultz Storms at Sea and Gary Gianni The Prince Valiant Page posters for $5.00 each, or one free with any purchase. These posters are only available through us at events we exhibit at.
Super-Con has been gaining momentum in the Bay Area. Their guest list is impressive. Based on my artistic preferences, I think it is better than WonderCon’s 2008 guest list. Adam Hughes, Frank Cho, Sanjulian, Dan Brereton, Jim Silke, and many more will be there. Super-Con will be held at the San Jose Convention Center. For more details visit their website at: http://www.super-con.com.
John Fleskes
Flesk Publications