Line of Beauty: The Art of Wendy Pini Book Update!

line-of-beauty-art-of-wendy-pini-cover-webHi, everyone,

I’d like to share the latest news regarding Line of Beauty: The Art of Wendy Pini.

Two major stages have been completed since our last update, which takes us into a third big stage that will start very shortly. Let me share what each stage consisted of.

In late October Richard posted the following in a Facebook post that perfectly sums up the first stage.

“Today I have turned in to Flesk Publications the first ‘final’ text and book map files for Line of Beauty: The Art of Wendy Pini. This means the book is essentially written and roughly designed–and now begins the process of fine tuning nearly 43,000 words and 500 art images. (Which means, by many definitions, this qualifies as a novel-length work. Egad!) Now, the publisher, the designer (who provided the wonderful look of both Art of Elfquest and Art of the Story), and I shuttle this baby back and forth until we are all as satisfied as we can be. (I’m lucky; I have a head start in that department.) There has never been a ‘The Art of…’ book like this, not even its two predecessors.”

That’s right! 43,000 words and 500 art images! Richard selected the art, wrote the text and roughly placed them throughout the 304 page book. It was a staggering amount of work. Much respect goes out to Richard for pulling this off. Truly, I’m in awe at what he accomplished.

This brings us to the next stage which is a month long process where the designer, Arpad, fine tunes the art and text into a finished book. While this is a short summary of what he is doing, the work involved is intense. He’s taking the engineers blue prints, gathering the materials provided and constructing the actual building.

In the next week or so we will begin the next stage. Once Arpad turns the designed book in to us, Richard and I will begin our inspections. There may need to be a tweak here, a slight adjustment here, a shift over there, and lots and lots of reviews to look for typos or for any sort of little thing that needs to be addressed.

After this, I will review every piece of art and make sure it is color corrected and prepped properly for the printer, while packaging the book to turn in. These last two bits are done by me alone. I have done these last two stages for every book that I have every published. It’s my final stamp of approval and I take no shortcuts.

This brings you up to speed. I’ll fill you in more next month!


Text copyright © 2016 John Fleskes. Photos © 2016 John Fleskes. Artwork © 2016 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.