The Marvel Art of Arthur Adams! New Book From Flesk!

Hi, everyone,

I have the absolute pleasure of announcing that our latest book The Marvel Art of Arthur Adams is now available for pre-order on our Flesk Publications website. This 9 x 12″ book has 80 pages, and features 87 images. You can order it here.

Here’s the book description.

For over three decades, Arthur Adams has served as one of the most revered artists in the comic-book industry. Much of his career has centered on his immense and highly popular body of work for Marvel Comics. These last ten years have been no exception, as Arthur has continued to produce exceptional covers that earn praise among his fans and peers. His ability to render our favorite superheroes as emboldened single figures or in intricate group scenes has resulted in awe-inspiring works of art that captivate his audience.

The Marvel Art of Arthur Adams highlights fifty finished comic-book covers completed over the last decade for Avengers Classic, Guardians of the Galaxy and Secret Avengers, plus an assortment of X-Men and other standout titles. Many of the covers are accompanied by preliminary compositions or the penciled underdrawings made prior to inking. Every work has been scanned directly from the original and appears in its native form prior to coloring to showcase Arthur’s exquisite ink lines. Each also is accompanied by the artist’s commentary, as he takes the unique approach of walking the reader through the creative process for every image.



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Text and photos copyright © 2017 John Fleskes. Videos © 2017 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2017 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.