June 2024 Flesk Book Updates

Hi, everyone,

We had a nice time visiting with William Stout, Bruce Timm, and Allen and Vicki Williams recently in Southern California. We met with all of them to say hello and to go over upcoming projects. Updates on each artist can be found below, along with some details on more upcoming titles.

William Stout

We have numerous books in the works with Bill. We are getting close to finishing his massive three volume William Stout Comics set. The three books come to over 750 pages combined. Volume one and two are designed. Volume three is mapped out and just needs to have the design finalized. We don’t have a release date set yet. We’ll be sure to make a big announcement when we are ready to start taking pre-orders. We also have The Playing Card Art of William Stout two volume set completely done. This set will be released sometime in the future.

Bruce Timm

We also have numerous new books in the works with Bruce Timm. We’re not ready to announce what any of them are yet. But trust us, you will be happy to hear what we will be releasing. The Big Tease and Naughty and Nice books will be reprinted in the future as well. A lot of B.T. is coming!

Allen Williams

What a joy it was to see Allen and Vicki. It was a delightful experience to work with the pair when we published Covenant: The Art of Allen Williams. We will have more books featuring Allen’s art in the future. Allen shared an idea with us that we are eager to support him with and publish.

Jeffrey Allen Love

Jeff’s new book, The Last Battle at the End of the World, is in the final stages of its design. Our goal is to launch a Kickstarter for this new graphic novel in August. We will also reprint Notes From the Shadowed City and The Thousand Demon Tree at that time. We’re very excited to release this new book along with his previous titles.

Tran Nguyen

We have a new book of Tran’s studies that is close to being done. We will release this collection along with a new printing of her previous art book collection, Ambedo.

Gary Gianni

The updated trade edition of Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea art book by Mike Mignola (plot and script) and Gary Gianni (art and script) is coming! This collection goes into great detail about how this 49-page comic was made. We’ve introduced new insight and details that didn’t make it into the original edition. It has been a lot of fun retooling this book to hit a new audience. We’ll share more details in the coming months.

Mark Schultz

The all new edition of Portfolio by Mark Schultz is coming this August. We will begin to take pre-orders in July. The original printing back in 2015 was 272 pages. This new version is 432 pages at 7.5 x 10″!

Portfolio compiles the drawings found in the original five Various Drawings volumes as well as the cover illustrations and special bookplates. Plus, an additional 160 pages worth of material adds dozens of works not previously collected in the Various Drawings or Carbon books. Found within are nearly 450 fully rendered drawings executed in brush-and-ink, carbon or graphite pencil.



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Text copyright © 2024 John Fleskes. Photos by Vicky Lien and John Fleskes and © 2024 . Videos © 2024 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2024 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

ElfQuest: The Complete Covers Kickstarter Campaign Coming on May 21, 2024 from Flesk!

Hi, everyone,

The countdown begins!

In just two weeks we will launch the ElfQuest Covers Kickstarter campaign from Flesk. Set your alarms to go off at 9:00AM PDT on May 21, 2024 to join the event.

This art book will come in two formats and compile every single ElfQuest comic-book cover created. All 300-plus covers are collected in an elegant design, each of which will include behind-the-scenes commentary or story insight.

We’ve put the same passion and care into these books that you can see in our previous ElfQuest and Wendy Pini collections from Flesk. These include The Art of ElfQuest, ElfQuest: The Art of the Story, and Line of Beauty: The Art of Wendy Pini.

We’re excited to share the full details about this book on launch day. We’re thrilled to celebrate this pioneering and epic fantasy series that has captured the minds of generations since 1978 with this new collection.

More details coming on the 21st!



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Text copyright © 2024 John Fleskes. Photos by Vicky Lien and John Fleskes and © 2024 . Videos © 2024 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2024 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

All of the Rachel and Terry Dodson Art Book and Print Packages Have Shipped!

Hi, everyone,

We are all caught up! 

Vicky and I met up with Rachel and Terry Dodson over the weekend. The Dodsons signed all of the remaining items that we needed to wrap things up. We dropped off this last batch of books and prints at the US Post Office today. We’re happy to have all of your pledges out the door. We want to make sure all of your get your packages. We’re here and available for questions if you need anything.

We sincerely hope you are all happy with your goodies. We appreciate you all so much for making this book a success. 

We have some extra copies of the Adventureman hardcover collections (Volumes One and Two) that are signed by Terry and Rachel. We’ll get these listed on our Flesk website next week so people can place an order if interested.

We’re getting started on a new book that collects Terry’s personal sketches. We hope to get it out in about a year from now. We have a Flesk newsletter that can keep you up to date on all of our future books. Here’s the link to join.



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Text copyright © 2024 John Fleskes. Photos by Vicky Lien and John Fleskes and © 2024 . Videos © 2024 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2024 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

New Editions of Pastoral and The Genesis Collection by J.A.W. Cooper Are Here!

Hi, everyone,

We’re thrilled to offer updated editions of Pastoral and The Genesis Collection by J.A.W. Cooper. Both art books are here at our Flesk warehouse and ready for immediate shipping.

These Cooper collections have long been out of print. Due to the ongoing requests we decided to bring these two books back! Cooper created new covers, we redesigned some pages, and also sprinkled in some new pieces. There are only 500 copies of the hardcover editions available. Over 400 images can be found between these two volumes.

Pastoral is a romp through subject matter that makes Cooper supremely happy. Expect humor, expect sensuality, expect chickens, expect all three in one image. If that sounds like a damn good time to you we think you will get along famously with Cooper. Pastoral is filled with their energetic, expressive pencil and ink drawings of wildlife and their stewards. Gouache works from Cooper’s travels and gallery paintings also appear.

The J.A.W. Cooper Genesis Collection compiles the drawings and paintings from the sold-out 2017 releases of Familiars, Flora and Fauna, and Viscera with a few extras thrown in.

This collection leads us on a journey into the violent, steaming innards of making art—raw, spontaneous and unfettered. Drawing on themes of the occult, the artist explores animals as allegories for the human condition—a physical projection of that which is clandestine. Cooper explores instinct and intuition as the spark of artistic creation, to delight the feral child at our core.

You can learn all about the books and place your order direct on our Flesk website.



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Text copyright © 2024 John Fleskes. Photos by Vicky Lien and John Fleskes and © 2024 . Videos © 2024 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2024 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

Portfolio by Mark Schultz. Pre-orders open in July on our Flesk website. Ships in August 2024

Hi, everyone,

An all new edition of Portfolio by Mark Schultz is coming soon. The original printing back in 2015 was 272 pages. This new version is 432 pages at 7.5 x 10 inches!

Portfolio compiles the drawings found in the original five Various Drawings volumes as well as the cover illustrations and special bookplates. Plus, an additional 160 pages worth of material adds dozens of works not previously collected in the Various Drawings or Carbon books. Found within are nearly 450 fully rendered drawings executed in brush-and-ink, carbon or graphite pencil.

Paperback edition cover price: $49.95 (yellow title)
Hardcover edition cover price: $59.95 (orange title)
Hardcover signed deluxe edition, limited to 1000 copies, cloth quarter-binding, title in copper foil, bonus signature page, variant cover, cover price: $74.95
7.5 x 10”
432 pages

We’ll begin to take pre-orders on our Flesk website in July. Shipping begins in August.

View the Mark Schultz library of books on our website.



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Text copyright © 2024 John Fleskes. Photos by Vicky Lien and John Fleskes and © 2024 . Videos © 2024 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2024 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea Art Book–Mike Mignola and Gary Gianni. Coming This Fall From Flesk!

Hi, everyone,

The updated trade edition of Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea art book by Mike Mignola (plot and script) and Gary Gianni (art and script) is coming this fall from Flesk. This collection goes into great detail about how this 49-page comic was made. We’ve introduced new insight and details that didn’t make it into the original edition. It has been a lot of fun retooling this book to hit a new audience. We’ll share more details in the coming months.

View the Gary Gianni library of books on our website.



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Text copyright © 2024 John Fleskes. Photos by Vicky Lien and John Fleskes and © 2024 . Videos © 2024 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2024 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

Flesk Adventures–Time Away From the Office

Vicky, Ocean and I frequently spend time outdoors. We all share a curiosity and passion for nature and are constantly amazed by what the world has on offer. We all enjoy photography and exploring as well. Here are some pictures from some of our recent adventures.

I prefer to not share our hiking locations online. This stems from an old surfer code, which is to never reveal a wave publicly. Spots are carefully guarded from becoming too well known. The internet has changed this to a certain extent, but you would be surprised how much there is to still find. For those who make the effort to put in the time and explore, the rewards are great. I still prefer to not use the internet or maps, but instead, turning down a random dirt road and seeing where it leads us. I’ve always enjoyed not knowing where we will end up. This picture above, taken by Vicky, is a famous bridge and no secret. Nevertheless, it’s a beautiful drive.

Hiking with Vicky and Ocean is a slow moving day. They stop to observe, and take pictures, and breath in the fresh air at a casual pace.

I typically like to keep moving when I hike, but from spending time with Vicky and Ocean I see more by going slower. If I was on my own I would miss little gems like this mushroom.

Vicky was in this one spot for over an hour. She has an incredible amount of patience and can sit and stare at the water movement and take pictures of rocks for hours.

Ocean is a botanist. Like Vicky, he can sit in a little area for an hour and observe and discover. The three of us can separate and not talk for hours, but also remain in sight of one another. I may be mind surfing the waves, or mapping out some book ideas in my head, or running around to squeeze in some exercise or stretching, then I’ll circle back to check in on them. We all feel at peace having one another around.

These pictures are all from different locations during our February hikes. I have no idea what type of bird this is, but like the framing.

Vicky overlooking the water from our cliff walk. Me, kicking myself for not brining my surfboard to go surf that left.

Ocean and I watching the sunset.

Ocean and I playing around. Some days, all you need is some stinky rotting bull kelp and a stick to have fun.

Ocean is a classic teenager. He sleeps A LOT. At one point, he found a soft spot and fell asleep for about 30 minutes.

Self portrait of Ocean and myself in a reflection on my truck.

Deer are very common in our area. It’s unusual to go a day and not see one, or three.

All these years and I never saw this waterfall before. I had been all around this area many times before, but missed this particular trail until now.

This was a beautiful hike that spanned over 7 miles with 1600 feet of elevation. When we got back, we didn’t realize we were hiking for 5.5 hours. We quickly drove to the nearest taqueria to fill up.

Ocean, observing some plants at one of the local peaks.

Born, raised, and living along the California coast my whole life is a blessing. I know how lucky we are to have unlimited access to the coast and trails here, despite the “resort tax” (which is what I call the high cost of living here). I’ve managed to make it work by living well below my means and keeping to a simple life. I hope you enjoyed this little view into how we spend our time outside of the office.



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Text copyright © 2024 John Fleskes. Photos by Vicky Lien and John Fleskes and © 2024 . Videos © 2024 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2024 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

Behind the Scenes–Flesk Photography–Howard Pyle

Behind the scenes at our office.

Vicky and I spent the day photographing a few dozen rare books from Bud Plant’s personal collection. These books, all of which are illustrated by Howard Pyle, are the nicest copies that I’ve ever seen. All are first editions that required careful handling.

We prefer to photograph art and books since we can control the lighting and get better quality files for reproducing in books than is capable with a scanner. Scanners emit a bright, harsh light, that offers less control. We still use scanners, although that method remains our backup approach.

Another limitation to scanning is the requirement to lay an object flat, which is not an option for a high grade rare book that is 100 to 150 years old. My goal, when borrowing books or art from people, is to return the item in the same shape in which I received it.

Vicky and I have both been involved in photography and art for decades. We both have a passion for beautiful things, whether made by people or found in the natural world. She has more patience than I do, and I fully trust her, so I tend to step back when she is setting up the lights. It can take a few hours to arrange the right environment for the task at hand, but once it’s locked in the day becomes meditative as we work together. I handle and hold the books as she takes the pictures. We have music playing in the background and we chat. Before you know it, the job is done and it didn’t feel like work.

We have amassed a staggering amount of high quality digital files on Howard Pyle. Slowly, in-between other projects, we will put together a collection much in the same way as we did with Edwin Austin Abbey and Franklin Booth. This could be released in 2, 5, or 10 years in the future. I learned long ago that the books dictate the time they need to get made, not me.

I’m grateful to Vicky for her help and expertise, as well as to Bud for trusting us enough to loan us these valuable treasures.



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Text copyright © 2024 John Fleskes. Photos by Vicky Lien and John Fleskes and © 2024 . Videos © 2024 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2024 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

Flesk at SHM Con–San Jose State University 2024!

On February 11th, we were invited to exhibit at SHM Con. This is a one-day student run event at San Jose State University that is open to the public. SHM is an acronym for the Shrunkenheadman Club Animation/Illustration organization.

As soon as you step onto the campus you can feel the excitement from the students. These are highly skilled, smart, energetic, humble, and hungry individuals who are our future. We’ve been extremely lucky to participate in this yearly event.

If you have ever wondered if young people care about art or books, all you need to do is visit this show to get your answer. Not only was our Franklin Booth book the best seller at the show, but also one of the SHM volunteers had a Booth tattoo on her shoulder! Here’s Vicky at left, with the volunteer in the middle, followed by a student who picked up our Booth book.

We brought 30 boxes of books with us and came back home with five. To give you some perspective, we typically bring about half that amount to a 3-day comic show such as Baltimore Comic-Con. To be fair, we brought roughly 200 mixed titles with bumps and scratches that we gave away for free to students. The four tall stacks of freebies were gone in less than two hours. Also, this is the only show were we offer our books at a big discount to students. I clearly remember what it was like to be young with very little money, so in this way we can play a role in making sure everyone can get something, regardless of their available budget.

We had the chance to see our friends, Bunny Carter and Courtney Granner, and the department director, Dave Chai. These three have been very generous to us.

We were incredibly impressed with the SHM president this year, and how smooth and well organized the day was. And we met a bunch of terrific young people. We have no doubts about the future knowing that more SHM members will be heading out into the world to create more beautiful art.

See you again next year!



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Text copyright © 2024 John Fleskes. Photos by Vicky Lien and John Fleskes and © 2024 . Videos © 2024 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2024 its respective artists. All rights reserved.

The Art of Rachel and Terry Dodson Kickstarter Campaign is Now Live!

Hi, everyone,

We are thrilled to offer The Art of Rachel and Terry Dodson! This book is loaded with a variety of covers, personal works, and sketches–all of which were photographed direct from their personal archives. Please visit our campaign page to see sample pages and the full details about this exciting new title. Here’s the Kickstarter link to learn more and to pledge.

Rachel and Terry’s art book is available in three editions: An affordable paperback, a deluxe signed hardcover edition, and a very limited signed hardcover with a variant black and white cover. Each book pledge comes with a bonus signed print. Also, we have signed copies of Adventureman #1, the Adventureman vol. 1 collection, and Bomb’s Away sketchbook that you can add-on when checking out on our Kickstarter campaign. Visit here to learn more.

Thanks to you all for helping to make these books possible!



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Text copyright © 2024 John Fleskes. Photos by Vicky Lien and John Fleskes and © 2024 . Videos © 2024 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2024 its respective artists. All rights reserved.