All of the Rachel and Terry Dodson Art Book and Print Packages Have Shipped!

Hi, everyone,

We are all caught up! 

Vicky and I met up with Rachel and Terry Dodson over the weekend. The Dodsons signed all of the remaining items that we needed to wrap things up. We dropped off this last batch of books and prints at the US Post Office today. We’re happy to have all of your pledges out the door. We want to make sure all of your get your packages. We’re here and available for questions if you need anything.

We sincerely hope you are all happy with your goodies. We appreciate you all so much for making this book a success. 

We have some extra copies of the Adventureman hardcover collections (Volumes One and Two) that are signed by Terry and Rachel. We’ll get these listed on our Flesk website next week so people can place an order if interested.

We’re getting started on a new book that collects Terry’s personal sketches. We hope to get it out in about a year from now. We have a Flesk newsletter that can keep you up to date on all of our future books. Here’s the link to join.



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Text copyright © 2024 John Fleskes. Photos by Vicky Lien and John Fleskes and © 2024 . Videos © 2024 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2024 its respective artists. All rights reserved.