Spectrum 22 Cover Revealed!

Spectrum-22-cover_webOne of the responsibilities as the editor of Spectrum is to select the artwork for use on the annual’s cover. Our book distributor works far in advance which requires us to provide the full specifications, book description and cover art up to 10 months prior to its street date. Before the arrival of the jury I spent two days reviewing all of the submissions and marking possible images to use as the cover art. I then made a series of mock up covers to fine tune the selection down to the one. Even though I am working in advance, the artwork must have been selected by the jury to be used on the cover. After checking the results immediately after the judging process I was assured that the artwork I selected for the cover was accepted by the jury and therefore available to send to the distributor and share with the public.

The artwork is by Bastien Lecouffe Deharme. “The Magician of the Mountain of Death” immediately grabbed my attention. Its beauty, boldness and elegance capture the essence of Spectrum perfectly. Bastien has been painting engaging and dynamic works for years now. I’m pleased to have his work featured on the cover and grateful to him for submitting his work again this year. You can visit Bastien’s website here.



John Fleskes

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Text and photographs copyright © 2014 John Fleskes. Videos © 2014 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2014 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.