New Videos! Warren Chang and James Gurney

Hi, all,

There’s two new videos to share this week.

Warren Chang discusses his upcoming exhibit at the Monterey Museum of Art. Over a dozen paintings will be on display including a series of preliminary studies and drawings at the Monterey Museum of Art La Mirada running from October 23, 2014 to April 6, 2015. The opening reception is on October 23, 2014, 5:30pm-7:30pm. Warren Chang is nationally recognized for his realist paintings of biographical interiors and local fieldworkers of the Monterey County area. Chang creates subtle narratives that celebrate the human spirit. A native of Monterey, his work is also inspired by the novels of John Steinbeck and the magnetic beauty of the region. An exhibit catalog produced by Flesk Publications, the Monterey Museum of Art and the Winfield Gallery will be available direct at the museum during the exhibit and from the Flesk website and at the Winfield Gallery.

Did you see the Australian postage stamps illustrated by James Gurney that was released in late 2013? The stamp issue is called “Australia’s Age of Dinosaurs,” and it includes six stamp subjects against a scenic backdrop. Watch the following video made by Helpful Bear Productions to see the imagery created by this Spectrum Grand Master and member of the Spectrum Advisory Board.

And remember, we post a new video every Tuesday. All of them can be found here: Spectrum Fantastic Art website video area.



John Fleskes
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Text copyright © 2014 John Fleskes. Videos © 2014 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2014 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.