New Video: Spectrum Group Signing at Comic-Con in San Diego.

Hi, all,

We’ve just posted our latest video up on the Spectrum Fantastic Art website video area. Visit often for new videos posted weekly.

Watch the Spectrum artist group signing at the Flesk/Spectrum booth which took place on Friday, July 25th at Comic-Con International in San Diego. Eight artists took part including Daren Bader, Donato Giancola, Gary Gianni, Matthew Levin, Travis Lewis, Todd Lockwood, David Palumbo and Allen Williams. This was the beginning of a yearly signing event that we will have at both Comic-Con and Spectrum Fantastic Art Live each year. You can bring your own Spectrum books or pick up copies at our booth to get signed. Thanks to the artists for participating!



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
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Text copyright © 2014 John Fleskes. Videos © 2014 Flesk Publications. Artwork © 2014 its respective artists. All Rights reserved.

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