New Mark Schultz Books Printed

Just a quick pair of pictures today. The new Mark Schultz books, Carbon and the Xenozoic new cover edition, have been printed. They look amazing and are on the way to our warehouse. We will have them around mid-July.

Xenozoic-samplesCarbon-samplesThe limited hardcover editions are moving fast. You can pre-order them from our website using the links below.



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications
Text and photographs copyright © 2013 John Fleskes. All Rights Reserved.

Mark Schultz Carbon hardcover
Xenozoic hardcover

3 Replies to “New Mark Schultz Books Printed”

    1. Hi Dan,

      That is my hope. If we get them in early enough I will send out a Kickstarter update to ask if anyone wants to pick them up at the show. It’s looking pretty good that it will be possible.

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