“Spectrum Fantastic Art Live!” Event Commemorative Art Book. Coming May 2012!

Arnie and Cathy Fenner have asked me to produce the commemorative art book for their upcoming “Spectrum Fantastic Art Live!” event happening this May 18-20, 2012 in Kansas City, Missouri. I am thrilled to have been trusted with this project. The Fenners’ have high expectations for anything that carries the Spectrum name; and for good reason. Spectrum is the world-wide phenomenon dedicated to promoting the best in contemporary fantastic art that is the result of their hard work, diligence and smart decision making. I find this pressure inviting as I edit and design this collection.

This 64-page, 9 x 12 inch hardbound keepsake collection will begin with an introduction by Arnie and Cathy Fenner. The focus of this art book will be on the five guests of the show. Each will be showcased with a gallery and accompanied with an introduction by a prestigious member of our fantastic art-loving community.

Brom, with an appreciation by Christopher Paolini.

Mike Mignola, with an appreciation by Christopher Golden.

Iain McCaig, introduction by William Stout.

Phil Hale, with a short interview excerpt from his upcoming art book coming this summer

Android Jones, with a feature by Lorne Lanning.

I’ll have individual biographies for each artist and writer posted on my blog in the near future. It’s an amazing experience to work with this esteemed and respected group. The book will premiere at Spectrum Fantastic Art Live! and be available direct from our website.



John Fleskes
Flesk Publications

Links to official websites:
Spectrum Fantastic Art Live!
Mike Mignola
Iain McCaig
Phil Hale
Android Jones
Christopher Paolini
Christopher Golden
William Stout
Lorne Lanning